• filister@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    And here you are mixing your talking points. Gaza’s airport was destroyed in 2002, 5 years before Hamas took control of Gaza.

    Just open any Wikipedia link about Gaza or any human rights organisation without known ties with Israel to read what they think about Israel’s treatment of Palestine.

    Shall I also remind you of your own history that the country of Israel exists today thanks to the terrorist acts of Haganah (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haganah). Shall we also mention the systematic land grab, illegal settlements, various checkpoints, limiting basic human rights like freedom of movement, the economic, maritime blockade of Israel, etc.

    Seriously tell me how you would have felt if you were born Palestinian. It is quite ironic and sad that you also turned like your past oppressors, dehumanizing the Palestinians. One would have expected for you of all people to be more sensible about this issue, but here we are. Starving almost 2 million people, turning them all into refugees and filming all this and proudly posting it on TikTok.

    And I will leave this here https://archive.is/uIZoj . And please try to justify this treatment or explain to me why Palestinians are held in administrative detention, without charge, etc. and why they are tried against military courts. Or tell me how many settlers have been given effective sentences for torturing Palestinians, destroying their properties etc. and how come 12 year old kids can be sued in Israel: https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/new-israeli-law-allows-children-young-12-be-jailed