One of the big points of crypto is that everybody can be their own bank because nobody is going to look after your money as well as you are going to look after your own money. I actually practice what I preach and hold very little fiat currency and hold mostly gold and crypto.
One of the big points of traditional banking is that nobody wants the hassle of (or should be trusted with) being their own bank. Crypto doesn’t solve that in the least.
I actually practice what I preach
Thought you might. Nothing says “I drank the kool-aid” like dropping “fiat currency” into a casual conversation. Anyway, good for you until you have to pay for real world stuff with your Fantasy Wall Street scrip.
Except that I pay for things all the time with it and have been doing so for over a year now. It is a currency like any other and is accepted as such. The biggest difference is I know exactly how much currency exists and know what the inflation rate is and will be and know that my money is actually safe.
I know exactly how much currency exists and know what the inflation rate is and will be and know that my money is actually safe.
This is misplaced confidence based on core misunderstandings. But I hope you don’t suffer for it, but I’m quite certain you will unknowingly. But I also suspect that you’re well off enough for it to be of little consequence unless you get absolutely scammed or caught in a legal prosecution.
One of the big points of crypto is that everybody can be their own bank because nobody is going to look after your money as well as you are going to look after your own money. I actually practice what I preach and hold very little fiat currency and hold mostly gold and crypto.
One of the big points of traditional banking is that nobody wants the hassle of (or should be trusted with) being their own bank. Crypto doesn’t solve that in the least.
Thought you might. Nothing says “I drank the kool-aid” like dropping “fiat currency” into a casual conversation. Anyway, good for you until you have to pay for real world stuff with your Fantasy Wall Street scrip.
Except that I pay for things all the time with it and have been doing so for over a year now. It is a currency like any other and is accepted as such. The biggest difference is I know exactly how much currency exists and know what the inflation rate is and will be and know that my money is actually safe.
This is misplaced confidence based on core misunderstandings. But I hope you don’t suffer for it, but I’m quite certain you will unknowingly. But I also suspect that you’re well off enough for it to be of little consequence unless you get absolutely scammed or caught in a legal prosecution.