Two sisters and their partners, in their 20s and early 30s, posed in front of the house for photos and one of the women gave the stiff-armed Hitler salute, Austrian police said.
I like where your heads at, and I’m usually all for anything that makes it harder to be a Nazi. Like, seriously, how is that still a thing in 2024?
But, it’s one of those slippery slopes where you have to wonder how far you take the idea, and at one point does banning just Nazi symbolism slowly turn into banning symbolism of things the government just doesn’t care for today. It’s easy to say that “We stop at Nazis” but then it just takes one asshole saying “Oh, does that mean this other group isn’t so bad because we’re not applying it to them?”.
I get that. There’s very few things that are black and white in the world. But the fact remains that allowing nazis ANY leeway at all makes them think they can do whatever they want. And that ain’t the way this game is played.
Believe whatever you want … but the minute those beliefs turn into actions that harm people, you’re done. Zero tolerance.
I like where your heads at, and I’m usually all for anything that makes it harder to be a Nazi. Like, seriously, how is that still a thing in 2024?
But, it’s one of those slippery slopes where you have to wonder how far you take the idea, and at one point does banning just Nazi symbolism slowly turn into banning symbolism of things the government just doesn’t care for today. It’s easy to say that “We stop at Nazis” but then it just takes one asshole saying “Oh, does that mean this other group isn’t so bad because we’re not applying it to them?”.
I get that. There’s very few things that are black and white in the world. But the fact remains that allowing nazis ANY leeway at all makes them think they can do whatever they want. And that ain’t the way this game is played.
Believe whatever you want … but the minute those beliefs turn into actions that harm people, you’re done. Zero tolerance.
I agree - But what these douchebags did wasn’t harmful to anyone.
Austria thinks different.