I would read this
average linux user trying to not talk about linux:
It’s because there are so few Linux users and we barely get the chance to talk about it (at least in my case)
did you know that i use neon btw?
Do I hear someone looking for information on Linux! I would be thrilled to tell you about it!
I use arch btw
pretentiously smugs in Parabola
Signature look of superiority in Qubes OS
What was up with the Bionicle universe, yeah? I remember being sort-of interested in it as a kid, but the information wasn’t particularly easily available (I do have some memories of the old, old Lego website of the early 2000s) and the interest waned over time.
Basically Mata Nui is a god, and the island. Literally the island. Evil comes, island needs protecting, bam, warriors and masks.
It’s actually neat to look into the inspiration. The creator was sick, and was inspired by imagining the medicine as little warriors fighting in his body. The figures even had a more organic design in planning, alongside some other concepts.
Same. I would see the advertisement for them and think it was cool, but never heard anything about the actual story. Apparently there have been video games and comics.
In the Oneshot she wouldn’t often just sit quietly while panicking and glaring but would say weird or odd things trying to get a point across or ramble for the entire page.
Also she ran him over with a scooter
Kinda wish they stuck with the oneshot instead of Komi being silent 95% of the time.
The poop pudding line is still the highlight of the entire series.
IIRC she still stood still internally while internally freaking out when speaking. But it was more like she had two modes, rambling and oversharing random stuff or barely saying a word and being kind of dumb.
komi can’t stop talking I would read