I mean, they’re celebrities so of course they do. The Pope chats with them about life, the universe and everything and notices that Dopey is paying no attention.

“Is something the matter my child?” “Well, your Holiness, I’m looking for a midget nun I thought worked here.”

The other dwarves start sniggering but the Pope says “I’m sorry my child, there are no midget nuns in the Vatican.” The dwarves start laughing. Dopey glares at them and asks “well, maybe she lives in Rome?”

“I’m sorry my child, there aren’t any midget nuns in Rome.”

The other dwarves are hooting and hollering and Dopey starts to ask another question when the Pope, knowing the comedy rule of threes stops him and says “my child, I’m sorry but I do not think there is a midget nun in the world.”

Dopey looks furiously at the other 6 dwarves who begin chanting “Dopey banged a penguin, Dopey banged a penguin…”