Humans used to be so fucked up.
We still are, but we used to be too.
What’s fucked up about chaining up a corpse. Of course it doesn’t help anything but there is also no harm in it.
so what I’m hearing is that it worked.
But now it is released… 2024 - vampires…
Idk we have barely started the aliens arc.
It’s all gonna come all at once, vampires, aliens, fungi, zombies, trump…
In a world with two brothers…
Humans believing in fantasy beings to the point of murder…how dumb…
…wait a minute…
From what I can tell in the article the kid wasn’t murdered? Or did I miss something
Yeah, it just sounds like the kid died and this was a burial rite precaution.
I think the person above you just read the headline and made an assumption.
Santa Slayer!
“Look it might be a waste of a lock, but I don’t want some vampire kid killing me. Don’t let your last words be, ‘I should have listened to Jeeeeeeff!’”