Quite a slim majority, but stil great news! Hopefully it’ll become more normalized and accepted a bit faster now.
Really happy for everyone finally being able to marry their partner. :)
Uplifting news.
About time
It’s fantastic news! Although big part of society is against it, their opinion should not block basic human rights. 🥳
Incredibly low margin. It’s a step forward, but it’s a long road ahead.
54.4% in favor is quite disappointing, but it’s good that it passed nonetheless.
Finally, Estonia can indeed into Nordic!
The Nordics don’t seem to agree. It’s still a poor and fairly conservative country with lots of pro-russian people.
Not really poor and not really conservative, just not so liberal
I’d welcome them
First post Soviet country to approve? Nice
Great news! Sounds like some who have been in a civil union are going to get married.