Mao Anying, a Chinese military officer, was killed by US bombers on 25 November 1950 during the Korean war. A persistent but frequently denied rumour says he was trying to cook egg fried rice instead of taking shelter, and the smoke from the fire exposed his position to enemy forces.
I mean… There’s stupid and then there’s stupid.
I… what?
People are taking this as a dig on China, but it’s a tale of how fragile nationalists are the world over. This is a level of dumb on par with freedom fries.
As far as I understand from the article, by Chinese law what they’re accusing him of is a crime, so technically this is much, much stupider.
Oh cool, I didn’t know about this rumour. Thanks to the glass hearts of these people now I do!
“As an ordinary person who gets a lot of money by posting some cooking videos, he should at least not be disrespectful to this country and the people who sacrificed for this country.”
So, uh, someone unordinary, who doesn’t get a lot of money by posting some cooking videos, can?
The subtext here is that YouTube is banned in China, so someone like Wang Gong using it very likely means it is a ministry of information cultural export program of some kind to begin with.
At first I thought this was going to be a piece about Uncle Roger, but reality is funnier than anything he could ever put out.
Fuck Uncle Roger. Party sell out piece of shit.
Sure, everyone must become a martyr for the noble cause and sacrifice their entire career so you can conveniently upvote and move along to the next meme. Fucking A+ 5/5 gr8 b8 m8
Didn’t he joke about the CPP in his own standup and is now banned from entering China because of it?
The guy he reposted is a literal cult member, of a cult they still glorifies foot binding and is known worldwide for spreading lies about China. Literal cult member. Of a cult implicated in trafficking. Not taking the video down would be the bigger piece of shit move. Don’t promote cultists.
Likewise don’t promote genocidal authoritarians like the CCP.
I was going to say, I assume this is uncle Roger again but apparently not lol
this guy must have pissed off the CCP somehow, so they’re going after him on social media… people aren’t organically complaining about this… this is definitely a government driven campaign against this guy… the complaints are just ludicrous, and specifically aimed at inflaming old tensions between the US and China… seriously, bringing up the death of some dipshit son of Mao during the Korean War on social media? nobody really gives a fuck about that idiot kid…
the CCP are just extorting money from this guy and this is how they go about it
YouTube is banned in China, so anyone posting to it regularly from behind the great firewall is likely doing it with CCP approval in the first place. All of these channels are subtle propaganda in the “approved cultural exports” sense.
This reeks of normal human stupidity.
nobody gives a shit about Mao’s idiot son who Mao sent out to die in the mud in Korea, just to get rid of him… nobody in China gives a shit about that, and nobody believes he was defending them against anything…
At least they made a huge fucking deal about it so everyone knows now.
I’m pedantic enough to start a trend on tiktok of bad Chinese fried rice cooking, like “how bad can you make it while still be considered Chinese fried rice”
This happened three years ago, how the hell does this become news now
because he did it again? Have you read the article, yes?
This year’s gaffe was Wang’s third offence. He released similar videos around the time of the anniversary of Mao Anying’s death in 2018 and 2020, both times prompting an outcry on social media.
Lmao aight my bad then
Citizens doing the pillorying, remember, not the state.
Til US airforce killed Mao’s kid.