Took me a second but it’s plasma.
Plasm is a noun that can mean plasma, germplasm, or a formative material.
Guess it’s both? (Merriam-Webster)
I wonder if it’s a regional thing.
I think it’s a “being unnecessarily technical/obtuse as a joke” thing: plasma, as in “blood plasma” - thus, tree blood plasma ~= maple syrup
Definitely, often from Vermont or Canada ;)
I’m from Canada and have never heard or seen plasm.
No, syrup!
Today I realize Canadian are tree vampires.
from the spooky ghost
One kilo of assorted cheese apples, please.
Cheese apples sound bomb.
Next best thing. Fresh cut apple slices and a nice sharp cheddar.
That’s a pretty spot-on job. I used to do ad layout for a local newspaper publisher and that’s almost exactly what we’d do.