I’m more worried about North Korea’s program. Iran is, strangely, the paragon of reason and predictability - compared to North Korea.
Gosh, if only we had some sort of deal that resulted in a solid framework that would have prevented Iran from further nuclear weapons development. Maybe something like a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action?
yup. thank goodness the same leaders responsible for that shit show aren’t also publicly fawning over North Korea, the other country producing uranium. Trump basically gave Iran a green light, and I suspect he gave Kim a handjob from the way he talks about the guy.
We’re in for real fun if he gets re-elected.
Life’s hard enough. Do we really need humanities looming doom in the form of an orange dyed half centaur who shits his pants in the headlines every fucking day?
Just looking for an excuse to start WW3. All for those nazis in Israel.
They’ll have nukes this time for sure
“US frets”
Frets was the word they chose? Some nattering old crone worried about their tea cooling.
Not a super power feeling the weight of years of shit ass politics and CIA fuckery.