Just based on how often I notice someone mispronounce a word without realizing it (or have done so myself and realized it later). Statistically I’m probably still doing it with some word.
I said automaton wrong for years. I said auto-maton instead of au-tomoton. I still cringe a bit thinking about it :-/
I only just woke up so forgive me if you’re right, did you mean automation?
automaton — Noun: 1. A machine or robot designed to follow a precise sequence of instructions., 2. A person who acts like a machine or robot, often defined as having a monotonous lifestyle and lacking in emotion., 3. A formal system, such as a finite-state machine or cellular automaton., 4. A toy in the form of a mechanical figure. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/automaton
Though I want to know why Wednesday is pronounced “wendsday” or “wensday”. The n is after the d!
Go ahead and say it literally. The middle syllable is still barely noticeable when said quickly.
That’s probably why it got dropped.
It’s wed-nes-day.
Or so my wife insists, while giggling.
The d before n is inherited from the original name Wodans dag (like Tiu’s dag, Thor’s dag and Frey’s dag inherited through the Saxons and Danes from pagan germanic gods)
The rest is just linguistic shift through the centuries of changing language. Like Dag -> Day while for example in German Dag -> Tag.
But the root of the word is still Wodan then old english Weoden then Wedn.
Same guy as Marvel’s Odin.
Exactly, just more (and different) linguistic shift. Woðanaz -> Woden -> Oden -> Odin
deleted by creator
Peregrine. It was only last week that I realized it has two r’s and doesn’t rhyme with penguin.
I must be pronouncing them right enough for voice to text to understand me because I certainly cannot spell those.
You can’t pronounce worcestershire right. Nobody knows how it should be pronounced.
The pronunciation is easy, but seemingly completely disconnected from the spelling.
Wooster Shur.
We just say “pass the what’s-it-here sauce”
It’s wash your sister sauce
More sense than any other pronounciation I’ve heard really.
I must be pronouncing them right enough for voice to text to understand me because I certainly cannot spell those.
Except voice-to-text spelled “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” wrong. It did “iasis” instead of “iosis.”
It’s pronounced ‘gif’
The German girl Ginger gave George gross gelatin.
As a non native EN speaker, this website helped a lot. Even has regional variants
I once spoke with a Southerner about favorite books. They recommended a series they called “The Will of Time”.
Only later I found out they were talking about The Wheel of Time.
no key?
Even that is an approximation, I don’t think English has the Italian gn sound, which is the same as Spanish ñ.
I can’t think of any way to spell it that’d lead to a precise pronunciation, or any English word that contains that specific sound.
I mean, this word does have an English pronunciation that is distinct from the Italian pronunciation, which follows English phonology.
Of course, I just found it interesting there’s no equivalent sound
Re-reading I can see you weren’t actually claiming English speakers needed to use the Italian pronunciation. Some people do claim that so I just kind of continued my lifelong argument with those people :)
I agree that basic sounds from one language that don’t exist in another language are interesting.
I understand your point and admit my comment could definitely be interpreted that way.
I could be a dick about it and demand people learn to pronounce it the way us Italians do, but then I’d also have to start pronouncing every English loan word perfectly and with a correct English accent while speaking Italian, and you can do that without sounding like a pretentious asshole, so I won’t.
I was like 25 when I found out it was wheelbarrow and not wheelbarrel
For me it isn’t “some” word it is “many, many” words.
charcuterie (shar-KOO-terr-ee) (TIL)
potable (POH-tah-bull)
prerogative (preh-ROG-ah-tiv) – wait, wat? Damn. I say it (pur-OHG-ah-tiv)
preternatural (pree-ter-NAT-chur-al)
remuneration (reh-myoo-ner-AY-shun) – I’m not admitting how I say it lol
surprise - let’s just say I spelled it suprise for ages. sigh
victual (vittle) - wait, that’s how you spell it??
Indefatigable (IN-dih-FA-tih-gə-bl) not in-dee-fa-TEEG-able
Primer: \PRIMM-er\ – small book / short informative piece of writing. (Brits can use long-i for both the paint undercoat and the book).
Mischievous: \MISS-chuh-vuss\ though mis-CHEE-vee-us is a non standard alternate pronunciation.
I think some “mispronunciations” are down to regional pronunciation. Like, I say miniature as MIN-ih-chure by habit though I’m well aware of how it’s spelled and “should” be pronounced. I swear that’s how I heard it growing up.
Maybe it isn’t regional and it is just me. That would explain some things lol.
And uh, yeah I have a bunch more, some I know but am forgetting at the moment. Undoubtedly I mispronounce many more while having no idea. What must people think of me? Lol
TIL it’s “prerogative”…
The only time I have actually heard someone use indefatigable is in the Monty python, where they intentionally pronounce it wrong
Look, I was on board until you started throwing out made up words like preternatural, victual, and indefatigable, then I knew you were pulling my leg.
Horatio Hornblower would like a word if you think Indefatigable is a made up word!
In war we’re tough and able [steps on cat]
Quite indefatigable
Between our quests we sequin vests and impersonate Clark Gable
Clearly pronounced in-de-fa-tee-gable
But many times, they’re given rhymes that are quite un-sing-able.
I’m American and have never heard “prim-er” I’ve always heard “prime-er”.
I say miniture when it’s an adjective like a smallish thing, but mini-a-ture when I’m using it as a noun, like the pieces used in tabletop gaming.
Looks like you’re mainly struggling with words of french origin, which is fair, the language is fucked up.
/prəˈrɒgətɪv/ Huh. I guess usually when a schwa and a rhotic is involved, my dialect drops it. I pronounce it /prˈrɒgətɪv/ which could be romanized to pur-ROH-guh-tiv. But there’s no actual separation between the u and the r there.
Interesting. I find the combination of rhotic - schwa - rhotic rather awkward. That could explain why it is commonly mispronounced.
I had a roommate in college that pronounced “epitome” like “epi-tohm.” He also pronounced “tome” like “toom.” Drove me nuts.
Barely Sociable did this and got a chuckle out of me, great that he owned it in a later video, though.
My buddy would always talk about the skill toom’s used to unlock the “ruin” (rune) skills.
Brian Regan, the epi-tome of hyper-bowl. What a great show. Thanks for the in-aardvark-ent reminder
ITT: people who care about how you represent yourself are evil, apparently.
I suspect people got a little butt-hurt when they discover their shirt is a little stuffed.
My teacher told me that he’d fail me if I mispronounced “Data” as “Da ta” and not “Dait a”. So I always mispronounce it
Your teacher clearly watched Star Trek TNG, because it’s Mr *Dait a" not Mr. Da ta.
You just reminded me of my highschool AP bio teacher who was a new Englander, but lived and worked in the UK for a few years. He pronounced half like “hawf” and it was always jarring because otherwise his accent was mostly normal.
Is it a dialect training class? Because otherwise that feels like boarderline racism to penalise someone for having a different an accent.
“Da ta” vs “date-ah” is regional. If you’re pronouncing it “wrong” move across the pond and suddenly you’ll be right.
I mean I live in Colorado and I’ve heard it both ways all the time. I’ve even heard “da tum” and “date 'em” for the singular.
He claimed it wasn’t an accent. It was a database class. I think he was correct though as that type of thing transcends accents
He was weird. He spent an entire class talking about his divorce and once came in dressed as a cowboy. Oh, and he also taught us for mathematics, and ended up failing the entire class on coursework.
Oxford English dictionary gives both pronunciations, your teacher is just a dick https://www.oed.com/dictionary/data_n?tab=factsheet#219838686 - it’s like my ex who always gave me a hard time for saying “ant” instead of “ahnt.”