That took me way longer than I wanted it to.
How many rounds did you spin your phone?
More than 1
5! 😳
Forget the duck, those are some weird ar glasses
nnaaaah, that’s me c:
☖ ⠀☖
⚬ ⊌ ⊌ ⚬
⠀⠀⍵Thought they where boobs lol
Gotta work on my ascii art skills lol
⠀በ በ
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⠀ ѡ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
LOL. I spent waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long without seeing it.
Am I blind?
Ohhhhhh lmao its OK, I’m not blind anymore
Bottom right
More like… Oh, duck!
Clearly atleast I’m not alone!
That’s fucken weird… I guess I just thought it was a watermark in my peripheral? Or I have actually got tunnel vision
The guy in the picture has a vision of a tunnel.
No you’re healthy.
There is?
Bottom right corner
I spent 3 mins looking and now I hate everything
I can clearly see duck head with semi-open beak (top right of the central image, not the little duck bottom right).
Well done sir / madam well played
I thought I saw it if I squint and turned it upside down… Then I saw the real one…