“Our troops are merely passing by…”
Fucking fantastic. Just what we need.
Another oil war to prop up an unpopular leader.
Can we just not, for one minute?
How much more fucked does this world have to get, feels like all this conflict is accelerating more conflict.
The problem is if theres enough distractions around others might not notice. Coupled with everyone else fighting it becomes the time to be bold and make moves on people you see an issue with.
Think a big har fight, everyone is boxing on and you see the bloke you dont like, thats the perfect time to jump in and punch him in the head too
Canada isn’t currently preparing to invade anyone, if that helps.
As far as anyone knows.
I dunno. They’ve amassed 90% of their population along the US border.
We’re just warming ourselves by the fire.
lol ok that was pretty good
Better not see any missionaries or settlers…
You only stay peaceful because America keeps you passive with sedatives the CIA puts in the Horton’s. You think it is the free healthcare that makes a border wall unnecessary? Naw, you have TH brought to you by Pfizer making the maze look like nothing.
Anyone know if Guayana has enough of a military to deter Venezuelan aggression? I am not under the impression they can mount a defense but hoping I am wrong.
744k people in that country. I doubt they have a strong enough military. I really hope that the US does not get involved cause we will go from protectors to suppressors reality quick.
Someone has to help them. Who else is up on deck for that?
Britain, as they were a British colony.