This is the only way to get the conflict to end, let the Ukrainians really hit back so that the Russians are pressured for peace. Without that pressure the invasion of Ukraine will continue indefinitely.
This is the only way to get the conflict to end, let the Ukrainians really hit back so that the Russians are pressured for peace. Without that pressure the invasion of Ukraine will continue indefinitely.
This one seems more cut and dry that other global issues. Madurai has been ruling Venezuela for a long time. An election was held where he wouldn’t let leaders stand against him in the election and had anyone viewed as possibly winning arrested. He did allow the one person to run who he felt wasn’t a threat. That person ended up winning the election but Maduro won’t recognize that he lost and won’t release any proof that he won. The person that won has released proof that he won. Now Maduro says that anyone doubting his narrative is a terrorist. Obviously Russia and China are siding with Maduro as they don’t much like elections either but the rest of the world is pretty unhappy about this development along with the majority of the Venezuelan population. Current supports and members of the party that won are apparently in the embassy that Maduro appears to be surrounding.
How does Trump have supporters? There are nutters everywhere and more than enough to participate in something like this since you know this fraudster will get plenty of press for the event.
I use my neighbors hose to power a water wheel for infinite energy. No one knows where the water comes from but i assume it’s free.
Right!?!?!?! I thought we hit rock bottom with Bush Jr and then this whole thing with Trump came along. I am starting to realize that it’s just going to get worse from here. If GWB wasn’t the worst then Trump will likely not be the worst.
Similar but I scan mine for reimbursement as the majority of times I am buying stuff while outside the house it is a business expense. This statement makes me realize I need to leave the house more often for non work purposes.
NASA and Boeing disagree on the safety of the return trip. I think I’ll side with nasa on safety related questions here.
How did they pull that off? Article says the location is 1,900 miles north of Ukraine. I imagine the longest range drones Ukraine has are those aircraft that look like converted Cessnas and I don’t think a Cessna is making it that far. Maybe launched by a recon group working inside Russia? No matter how they did it, amazing outcome and I really hope to hear about more strikes like this.
So I’m not a boat person but I was under the impression that the law of the sea requires other boats to aide people in the water. Like I think it’s a requirement. I’m pretty sure it’s the reason why tankers and whatnot stop and help ships in distress. Could be just something I heard as a kid though.
Could be good as a firewall with PFSense or something. 2.5gb to the ISP and a 10gb trunk port. Would be an upgrade for me. All I would use is a drive in it though.
I was at a mall in Kuala Lumpur and was impressed that they had ice skating right in the middle of the mall. Thought that was pretty cool. It was really hot outside but walk into the mall and go ice skating. It was right next to a water park which was also really nice. It seemed like people were there to cool off and walk around but not really shop. Maybe that is the social gathering point for those communities? I was o key there for a week so can’t say I got acquainted with the community but it seemed kinda nice.
I don’t want my car to be lonely while I’m out in nature. If you’re lonely, they’re lonely…give them a friend.
Considering this is Kentucky I would have expected a scale model steam engine that burns coal to boil water to spin a turbine to generate the electricity for the museum. This way they could “roll coal” daily and piss off the surrounding tri-state area.
Alternatively, if she cracks cold fusion. Have to give her some options to make it more realistic. Solve two-of-three problems type of thing.
My guess is that Oracle has audit logging support but it was not turned on by the implementation vendor. Typically a customer uses a partner for professional services to get it up and running for training and handoff. So it’s probably a mix of people that kicked it up. The one constant with Oracle deployments is that they are always over budget and rarely work and it’s somehow always a mix of faults. So from a high level view it is probably something to do with the way Oracle engages or who they partner with or both.
They couldn’t even make it higher than the DAW defaults at 120bpm. So you have new musicians that have never recorded accidentally producing music at 120 and breaking the law. This is the dumbest shit I’ve seen since last week. I don’t typically put anything together that is below 120. Looks like I’m on my way to being a Chechen fugitive.
I worked in healthcare tech for a long time and I would say that healthcare facilities should focus on delivering healthcare. We had so much administrative overhead from dealing with this insurance bullshit that it drove up costs to staff a ton of people to deal with insurance bullshit and thus increased costs. If we had single payer it would be a single process that couldn’t possibly be more convoluted than what we have now. Sending shit to insurance clearing houses with exact ordering of diagnosis matching procedures so that they don’t get kicked back. The hospital doesn’t want you dealing with this shit either they just want the money that the insurance provider said it would pay for your treatment. It’s 90% insurance bullshit all the way down.
Capitalist Zombie is an amazing band name. Someone needs to use that.
That was a fun watch. It’s nice to get a wholesome video in the depths of the internet recommendation list.
Oh hey yeah forgot to mention they can use the weapons to strike you now. What’s that? Oh you already lost some military bases? Sorry about that would have told ya sooner but I must have spaced it.