Sometimes being annoying is doing something wrong. If a kid is deliberately being disruptive after repeatedly being told not to, then yeah, they’re doing something wrong.
You are correct (here comes the but) but often times that acting out isn’t just to be annoying. As a kid, being disruptive is sometimes the only way you can get the attention of your adult. We treat kids like anything outside of their basic needs is unimportant.
Not wanting to lecture anyone I’ll leave it at that.
I agree wholeheartedly.
actual addition to conversation
The only instinct a child has to get attention is to be disruptive. Eventually they learn patience, better verbiage, and how to time their interactions with others. Time isn’t really a concept yet and things are almost an “on/off” switch.
Hunger doesn’t exist during playtime until Hunger is activated, in which case, Hunger is all that exists. Hunger can only be eliminated with help as the cookies remain furiously out of reach. HELP!
“Attention-seeking behavior” is “hey I need help with something” in their first language. It’s up to the adults to figure out what’s going on. Finding out why they are being disruptive helps, a lot. If they feel they’re being ignored, work out spending time with them as reassurance… when convenient. If they’re hungry, take a moment to procure a proper snack, and then they’ll be satisfied. They might not even know what they need - do any of us really - and that’s where listening can be helpful.
Again, time not being easily explained such an on/off age.
I am not a child therapist. I’ve just worked with too many “difficult” kids.
While I don’t disagree, I have a point to make.
Recently watched a home movie of our kids when they are little (18 years ago), so ages between 3 & 8.
It was a little horrifying to hear the absolute despair in our voices as my wife and I kept asking one kid after the other, “please stop.”
Three kids, all desperately trying to get ALL the attention. It’s amazing the five of us survived.
I don’t particularly recall the day the video was made. Hearing our voices, it sounds like we were just completely past the breaking point. Yet, consider: that was a moment that we considered adorable enough to record forever. Watching it now, they were adorable. However, it sounds like we were dying inside without realizing it.
I hear the same voices in every video. I love my kids and I love being a parent, but it’s amazing looking back how much that and all the other demands on us was just absolutely crushing the life out of us.
Let’s not forget kids being super happy, having a great time, playing loudly, just enjoying life to the max, can be annoying.
Technically, being annoying is against the rules of the household. If the household reflect society’s rules, the kid will learn valuable lessons, if not, the kid will learn the wrong lessons and will have to figure out on their own how those rules apply to real life l.
yep. the hardest part of being a parent is the patience to understand, and treat children as the underdeveloped humans they are. not everyone can do it
not everyone can do it
Also good to remember that almost nobody can do it everyday. It’s definitely good to be consistent with one’s approach, however all parents are human and will lose patience at times.
That’s why they say ‘it takes a village to raise one child.’
Kids don’t have a brain filter. If they hear opera, they’ll sing opera. If they hear cigarette commercials, that’s what they’ll sing.
edit = I picked the most obnoxious songs I could think of. Didn’t think I’d start a nostalgia/mandala effect thread
Cigarette commercials? This man is straight from the 60s.
Oh bless your heart. We had cigarette commercials into the 90s.
Talking radio? I dunno, I don’t remember them and according the the magic box in my hand legislation banning them passed in the 70s. I’m no expert.
Is that a radio jingle?
not everyone can do it
more people should hear this before they decide to have children.
but lets prevent anyone in the poorest sections of the united states from being able to make that call!
yay america!
I’ve fucked this up a few times and snapped at my kids for things that it isn’t reasonable to expect of them. It’s really hard when they show maturity beyond their age and developmental level in some aspects because you can almost forget they aren’t fully developed and so the behavior can feel intentional. Like you get this flash of thinking, “I know the kid knows this is wrong,” and if you aren’t mindful in that moment, you can handle it wrong.
I have always made sure to calm myself down and then go talk to them about it. I apologize for losing my temper and, with an emphasis on how what I did was NOT ok, explain what I was feeling and why it made me react inappropriately. I’m pretty big on making them understand that adults are fallable and make mistakes, too.
I don’t know…it feels like it’s working well.
We are taking the same approach and every word you said landed with me, matched my experience.
I’ll add that this is a VERY different strategy from the approaches taken by both my partner’s and my parents.
It’s not easy, but I think we’re raising better humans than ourselves. On days when it’s exhausting and you’re burned out and you feel like you can’t do it, cling to that.
You’re doing great. It’s worth it. Keep it up! 💚
100% agree. My childhood is a haze of physical and psychological abuse… not just between the parents and kids but between the adults as well. If I’m proud of anything, it’s the success I’ve had breaking that cycle. I slip up sometimes, but I can honestly say I’ve never called either of my kids hurtful names or laid a hand on them in anger.
As an ADHD kid in the 60s and 70s, I was punished for existing by most teachers/school boards, other kids, and my father.
(That doesn’t mean that I wasn’t hella annoying, of course.)
That being said, I agree.