I found all 6 of them last year :)
The first generation were the best.
Ain’t that the truth
Gear functions!
Can’t help but link this as my only real “source of information” on Bionicle: https://youtu.be/EqqCt5KWDT0?si=NwSkfWkGFCduIWvP
I was born in 1996 andthis post made me very happy and nostalgic.
I was aiming for the 90’s babies.
Man, they quite literally don’t make them like this anymore. I miss them.
This vividly reminded me of the browser flash game for Bionicle that LEGO had on the Bionicle website when the original run was big. I logged so many hours in that game, I wish I could find an archived version to run through again.
It’s called the Mata Nui Online GAME (MNOG), and you can find an archived version that plays locally on your computer here: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/play/web-games/mnog/
And if you go here, you can find a lot of other Bionicle games, including the 2nd MNOG.
YES that’s it! Honestly never thought I’d see it again, thank you for the links!
I found 2 results for Bionicle in the flash game archive.