reminds me of that one time I used bengay on my hamstrings… oh boy
Chubbyemu did a video of some dude doing permanent damage by bengay to the sac. I am not sure if survival but invalid or ded-ded.
DO NOT APPLY ANYTHING BUT SAFE SOAP + WATER TO SENSITIVE AREAS! Else You too “might make A recovery” or “might not make it”.
I mean, it’s not THAT bad (admittedly, coming from sb who managed to get a burn from literally everything that goes remotely hot in their possession, from placing a hand on a steam cooker to touching dead ICs).
“If left in place for too long, it can produce first-degree burns to the skin.” Oof, beats menthol body wash that’s for sure!
Dr Bronner’s Peppermint Gang rise up
Peppermint butthole forever
The green Gold Bond powder is… interesting.
It’s a feature, not a bug.
you fell into a mentholated butthole?
I fell into a burning ring of fire. I wiped down, down, down and the flames went higher. And it burns, burns, burns - the ring of fire. The ring of fire.
Just wait til your scrotum starts flaking off
The text is even funnier because this guy looks like a Dollar Tree Elijah Wood.
He’s a comedian (Chris Fleming), he has some funny stuff.
Dollar Tree Elijah Wood.
Damn, dude, still chuckling over this. Funnier the longer I think about it.