Horse girls make do 🌽💧🐎
Corny joke, but it’ll do!
Best shitpost! Thank you!
No problem
Rent a bitch a horse, she will ride for a day, buy a bitch a horse she will ride you everyday - Margaret Thatcher.
Margaret Thatcher the Milk Snatcher
Another chance to post a Corb Lund song for you techno-loving tech dorks*? Yes, please.
*-Though we can all agree Nashville radio country sucks. It really, truly does. Also, don’t ask me about how British and Irish folk music started dancing with African and then African-American musical forms in the 1700s and never stopped, and when combined with post-world war 2 countercultural neo-folk ethos and wider availability of higher education, resulted in a re-valuing of linguistically and psychologically complex lyrics within a subset of the “hillbilly music” genre, which then stewed for a decade or more in boomer rock-n-roll, all culminating in deeply satisfying mélanges of poetry and fiddles and banjos and electric guitars. Cuz, you know, I’m not a dork.
One of the weirder trends I see online is horse girls being proud that they have a princess syndrome reputation.
Legit saw one declaring that being invited to meet the horse is more important than staying by a dying family member’s bedside.