Careful. Read their reviews online and I’m not so sure about this place. They served deviled eggs at the return of Jim and everyone knew Jim hated eggs. Some people argued this was even why Jim left again and didn’t stay returned.
I love Obvious Plant
OOOHHHH so THAT’S where that pre-cracked egg comes from. I didn’t know that was a whole joke account and store.
Honestly, if I ran a catering business I might put up the same sign. What’s the worst that can happen? 3 horse funerals?
We really should start celebrating T u e s d a y s.
I heard that line in Bill Wurtz voice for some reason
That comment is basically a whole Bill Wurtz song.
Truly the voice of several generations.
could we celebrate wednesdays instead? tuesdays are my weekly catered drug intervention with my mother.
It wasn’t Tuesday it was T u e s d a y. I am assuming it’s like a normal Tuesday but in some uncanny valley creepy form.
my bad! on
T u e s d a y
s i’m actually totally free so
Throw a dead horse into the mix and we have a party.
You really can’t beat a dead horse as a reason for a party.
Tuesdays are the most productive day of the week. Not a time for celebration, its business time.
All the more reason to reduce productivity. Flatten the curve, lower expectations. Tuesday is the scab of weekdays. The other days need to strike.
German Tuesday (Dienstag) roughly translates as duty-day (Dienst-Tag), probably not etymologically, but still.
Etymologically, it derives in some way from the Norse-Germanic war god Tyr (akin to French “mardi”, “day of mars”, ig).
Ah yes, the war day. I wonder how many wars started on a Tuesday?
I know that World War I started on a Tuesday so that’s 50% of all world wars right there.
deleted by creator
Do you think they’d cater a horse funeral?
Bye bye lil sebastian
What?? NO! Don’t be silly. Where did you even get such a crazy idea? Are you even serious right now??? I mean, I have no words… A horse funeral, who even does that!
Wait, what?
Jim is back in town?
Roll up all barrels from the cellar. Today, we feast and drink!
Horse funerals are not a joke, Jim!
They do horse funerals and horse funerals, but I doubt they’d to horse funerals.
They only do anniversaryies of horse funerals
Only T U E S D A Y S
Only for the first and second year
Where is the catering in this thread?
A catered quiet night alone sounds pretty dope actually.
Catering companies would love to bring you food for 10 people and the plates to keep it warm for your quiet night alone. All you gotta do is pay.
Waiter comes up with a tray: pig in a blanket?
Me half stoned laying in bed: the fuck did you call me?
Another one comes around to gather your empty champagne glasses…
“This one’s still full, want me to leave it?”
“Nah, you can dump it. I wasn’t up for going to the toilet after being called a pig in a blanket…”
LMAOA, that reminded me of one of the teaser clips for that ol’ Supreme Commander 2:
Finally, someone to cater my horse wedding with drugs on a quiet Tuesday night!
Bye… Bye… 🎶 Lil’ Sebastian… 🎶
I miss him in the saddest fashion.
“For You, The Day Bison Graced Your Village Was The Most Important Day Of Your Life. But For Me, It Was TUESDAY”
Jim’s coming back?!
Jim had left?
He went out for cigarettes and never came back!
They should have put that one above the second horse funeral.
Jim is the horse
I would love for their to be a town somewhere where this was a very sensible sign and not humor at all.
Ya gotta laugh.
Horse funeral
Horse funeral 2
Horse funeral: truly aww-foal
Horse funeral: equinity
Like beating a dead horse.
You both stop that shit right now
You’re saying they should stop horsing around?