Confesses? I think they misspelled “bragged”…
The source is Am not defending IDF but we are better than spreading news with questionable sources I think the source of this article is this one. Where they have interviewed a bunch of Israeli soldiers.
Reliability rating High
According to mediabiasfact, this website is highly reliable while the guardian reliability is mixed (one level above low reliability )
agrre to disagree I guess
The Guardian is a Zionist propaganda mouthpiece claiming they saw footage of Hamas raping people which turned out to be lie.
MBFC should rate them far lower
Guardian is trash. Zero credibility.
What proof? Facts?
What sources do you have for The Guardian being highly reliable?
The only way to prove that a news agency is reliable, is by not finding any fake/false/wrong news on their websites - that they didn’t publish correction for -. The duty of providing proof lies on the accuser, if you accuse gurdian of wrong doing you’d need to the provide a proof.
This is the reason I didn’t call commondreams fake or unreliable, I don’t have a proof.
So because you’re unfamiliar with this organization (that has existed for almost 30 years), you called them “questionable” instead and merely implied that the report was fraudulent and that we should all do better than to post articles from sources you haven’t heard of and can’t be arsed to look into.
Then, when someone gave you evidence, you dismissed it because it didn’t agree with how you see the world. Don’t get me wrong, I think the bias fact check site is bullshit about half the time, but you still made an accusation, if obliquely, and provided no evidence.
What’s that thing we can do when people make assertions without evidence again? Oh right, dismiss those assertions without evidence.
Lesser known source
Called commondreams dot org
A sensationalist take
Idk why we may doubt this fountain of truth.
Israeli-Palestinian bloodshed is competitively reported by Israeli and pro-Palestinian sides, it’s an informational warfare. We believe we can trust at least bigger publications to vet their information before posting and cautiously read the reports from other sources. Why it should be different for that one news site? At the very least, basic level, I don’t see any mention of them being in that region and IDK how they report without that.
If you’d read the article, you’d see where they source the information from. This org often republishes and aggregates content from other sources that further its progressive aims.
All of this is readily available information at the end of a five second search. Just because you don’t read media that isn’t part of a for-profit corporation doesn’t mean they’re less reputable.
I’m amazed that dude rated them highly
What makes it a questionable source?
its not a known news agency. I know you could say just because they are small doesn’t mean they are untrustworthy and you’d be right but they are questionable. for example have you ever heard of commomdreams journalist anywhere in the middle east? If they are not the source of the news but rather copying it from elsewhere then it’s better to link to the source.
Maybe they don’t have a journalists on the ground, but they do have people like this writing articles about the Middle East.
You do not have to have boots on the ground everywhere to report on it. Having experts weigh in can be enough.
Okay now tell us something else that we already figured out via observation. Like about how rain comes out of the sky.
I’m sorry sir rain does not fall out of the sky unless israel tells me so.
Fucking war criminals.
Not other IDF troops… but then the IDF doesn’t consider each other subhuman.
Who could have guessed that 18 yo with guns in a country with a government that literally said “kill them all, there are no Innocents, not the children, not the mothers, no one” would go on to kill them all!
I am shocked, how could anyone see this coming!?
You forgot that this government has spent years telling their people that literally everyone in Palestine is supportive, materially or otherwise, of Hamas.