Utter nonsense. Geese won’t own cars.
They’d steal them.
Honk if you have ever been personally victimized by HONK!
Honk if anything
Remember, if you HONK all you HONK at me, I will HONK if you get any closer, u have to HONK if-
I HONK if you will-
if myself want HONK!
If you have ever been personally victimized by HONK-
Did I read honk?
Yo, dawg, we heard you liked to honk…
No, can’t have been written by geese. Geese cannot read or write, they just straight up honk.
This is a clown car. That’s the most reasonable explanation.
They don’t “own” a “car”, they’re in possession of a conveyance…
Let me guess, they’re “travelling, officer”.
That’s what the lack of plate would suggest.
“Honk if anything”
This is a true work of art!
I think I had a strhonk trying to read that
turns into goose from untitled goose game 🪿
attempts to steal car
To say nothing of the neon check engine light. 😍
Honk vibe
Car stickers actually being used in a funny way for once!
I feel personally victimized
Have you honked? That made me feel a bit better.
What a vibe.