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This paper has a sketchy history. It’s based in Moscow and not listed as a foreign agent. openDemocracy reports here on their history of publishing pro-Kremlin, pro-Putin nonsense. When 5 senior editors quit in response and started another paper, they were immediately labelled “foreign agents”. This is propaganda. Check this uncritical trash about teaching students “media literacy” by depending on the state propaganda network:
The main meaning of the classes is to introduce schoolchildren to TASS as the main state news agency of the country, a source of reliable information about Russia and the world, follows from the scenarios of the classes. The Agency sets itself the task of “protecting the informational boundaries of the country and the truth, which is very often tried and trying to take away,” said Andrei Kondrashov, TASS Director General. In order to become a journalist, it is necessary to “Homeland to love” and be inquisitive, he concluded. (autotranslated)
Removed, questionable source.