What does that matter?
An athlete from Russia would clearly be from Russia still?
What does that matter?
An athlete from Russia would clearly be from Russia still?
Is weight gain a protected class?
Source code
They’ll just raise retirement age lol. Fuck the workers
And next month none of us will be on. Things don’t happen in a vacuum and advertisers notice. They might make money this month but if we take 100 of their users off for the next 12 months it offsets it.
Your comment here, which doesn’t seem to be on topic with what the above said, unless I’m wrong. That comment, to me, reads like an insult to “sensitive snowflakes” Is that incorrect?
Joined 3 hours ago. Larger than 10 percent of your submissions have been anti-lgbt. Looks like a troll to me. Say it with your main.
How though? An investor would look at place. See how that traffic isn’t normal and see the protest on it then put 2 and 2 together and realize it’s reddit trying to look good. It’s not a secret
How does that give Russia soft power?