Wait, there’s a company that owns the company that owns Ars?
Consolidation is a curse.
Wait, there’s a company that owns the company that owns Ars?
Consolidation is a curse.
“So, we’ve all had a… time on Reddit lately,” Go_JasonWaterfalls wrote. “And I’m here to recognize it, acknowledge that our relationship has been tested, and begin the ‘now what?’ conversation.”
If I was part of the organization responsible for making unilateral changes that only benefitted itself, I’d be embarrassed to start a message this way.
“Now that I’ve slapped you around a little, let’s talk about what YOU can do to repair our relationship” is what it sounds like to me.
I swear sometimes it feels like a superpower to have grown up in the 90s and learned the ground rules for multiple OSes, search tools, and file systems - the descendants of which are nearly all still in use today.
I defer of course to any oldheads who can still bang out a long .bat file or compile and configure Linux; I just mean it’s a very useful quirk of the era that skills learned on windows 3.1 or OSX are still broadly applicable, even in fields where ‘using the computer’ is a minor task of one’s workday.
Agreed - working as intended, and it’s not just LDS. I’m in FL and churches here have been opposing publicly funded safety nets for my whole life, in favor of voluntary, often church-led, donations.