I predict that nations will simply start blowing up satellites in space, creating a shroud of debris which will make space exploration nearly impossible.
I predict that nations will simply start blowing up satellites in space, creating a shroud of debris which will make space exploration nearly impossible.
I’m all for giving credit where credit is due.
While I get the altruistic impulse to intervene, I do also know that some people want to spend their life alone. Have no desire to have anyone involved in their lives. They’re totally at peace checking out of life by themselves, on their own terms. I do think it’s important to respect their wishes.
Mormon temple in La Jolla looks like the space ship from “The Last Star Fighter”
This is a real thing that happens. I know someone who took his bonus and bought a red Toyota Celica and put Lambo doors on it.
It’s a type of engine design found mainly in certain pickup trucks. I don’t know why but it’s an important thing to some people.
Better do it before the full power of exponential growth kicks in.