Now maybe available on Discord (if you need me): username: discrdhater
I will be homeless and jobless quite soon, while currently I get no medical help and I’m practically forlorn.
And even “no skill” jobs now require 3-5 years of experience minimum.
Weri weri bad, and youssss? :3
No, I only added the lashes/liner and lipstick. I thought of touching hair, but I think one can be slay no matter their hair scalp status.
I am the left though.
As a child I’d go to sleep very late, sometimes seeing sun coming up, and then I’d sleep till even 15:00. It was because I was avoiding my abusers. Now as an adult I go to sleep when I feel sleepy and I frequently wake up with the sun.
I am not good with languages in the slightest.
social credit
It doesn’t exist though. :( I wish there was a tangible score I could farm to have China adopt me. :(
Better than frogs on Wednesday.
Are they? Because the past few years indie games for me have been nothing but early access underdeveloped bare bones crap.
fsdfHJJHda@#ksdfa$@#shd, no need to flex on me! >/////<
Sip or death.
I can take it. Oh, you mean in a car. I’ve no driving license.
Don’t yield to sexists who think you have to be a certain way just because of your sex characteristics. Being a man solely means you’ve a male anatomy. Masculinity and femininity are social constructs which ever change and ever differ based on subjective perception and what not, with no actual value or benefit to anyone’s life. You are perfect the way you are and the way you act is acting like yourself, which is perfect for you, even if it’s not the standard for the average man. ^ ^
Nice, I’d enjoy receiving both. :)
You could date me instead. I will send all information on you to CPC. :3