Lol did people use reddit without turning off sub specific stylesheets?!
Lol did people use reddit without turning off sub specific stylesheets?!
Lol, your user name is how I pronounced nginx for years
There was an exploit released a few days back that could make thousands extremely fast (unsure of the number).The two top user instances at this point have 50k new users a piece, and 10 users active, lol.
Payment provider. BWW may have a contract with a payment provider, in which they don’t pay the fee to use this payment platform for a flat fee of $1 per.
This is of course, all speculation.
This may be imposed by the take out provider. Some states/municipalities also tack on extra fees
In states that don’t still need to pay minimum wage, I get your point. The last two states that I’ve lived in, though, still require min wage (or higher, depending on some municipalities).
Restaurants operate on notoriously small margins and are tough to make it as a mom and pop, a lot of the time.
I’d rather tip, and have the assurance that money is going to the worker, than pay $30 for a burger and be told the employee is getting a cut.
This was my thoughts as well. I understand the need for an audit trail.
Would be very easy to build up an interaction graph with this data that could be used for fingerprinting. If this is an issue for you, though, just browse without signing in/interacting
Was just thinking about this more though, and unfortunately there can also be rogue instances that allow bot users to be created and interact with other instances posts, so this issue could still persist.