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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I’ve seen so many older couples where the woman was 100% dependent on the man. He never allowed her to manage finances, have access to the bank accounts, pay bills, etc. and then after 30-40 years he leaves or dies, and then she’s left without any life experience whatsoever and has no idea how to manage her own life.

    That’s the part that really kills it for me. Even if you have the absolute perfect couple, its got glaring flaws. It increases risk for higher… comfort? Because in high risk high reward, if it pays off you are more stable than you started. That doesn’t happen with a tradwife couple. You constantly have a higher risk, but a nicer house, a warmer family, better food, more involved community. (Again, I’m assuming the absolute perfect couple. I’m not even considering the power dynamics.) Which… it’s bizarre because that all should be worth it but… it topples so much easier. Even in the best case.

    Like… this seems straight up like a flaw in society.

  • This has always been my concern with the tradwife movement. I can certainly see why there would be appeal but you need to be very cautious of who you want to be a tradwife to. You create a lot of dependence on your partner, You sacrifice a lot of power, and once you start doing this it becomes increasingly difficult taking it back.

    Even with the perfect partner to be a tradwife to. You don’t remove the problems with dependence. You can argue that “well I have full faith my partner and I will stay together” but at any point it can all get taken away.

    With two partners a single layoff sucks, but you can stay afloat much better than two layoffs. It’s like a two engine and a single engine plane. A two engine has redundancy, it can limp. Single engine becomes a glider after failure.

    Speaking of failure, doesn’t matter how angelic your partner is, heart failure will kill them and wreck your life too. Then you have life insurance but no resume or job experience. Hope you saved.

    It’s genuinely kind of infuriating, because start mixing in handywork, house repair, landscaping, childcare, cooking, cleaning, organizing, with the recently added 3dprinting, searching online for 2nd hand goods, volunteering within your community, a LOT of value should be getting generated… but none of it gets recorded… or removes your dependency on your partner.

  • I hate the idea of hints. Because A. You then have to make the person your interested in make their own way towards you, and B. Then they have to notice it and then take a risk. I think it’s FAR better, to give your crush an opening, serve them a line on a silver platter.

    For example:
    My wife was interested in me and she opened with:
    “Am I too close?” To which I could’ve replied “nah you’re good” or “yes, a bit” without any fuss. but, since I was also interested, I replied.
    “Oh nonsense, if anything you’re not close enough” which, can easily be dismissed as me being silly, but nope, she’s interested. So she responds
    'OH really? So how close can I get?"

    Like, set up a romantic line. If there’s a romantic line to be had. If they’re interested, they’ll take it.

  • Well, I just recently got married in July. We’d been together for 5 years before that point, we survived COVID in a rather stress inducing state.

    • My wife works in banking, with secrecy requirements. I work in AV, testing equipment that records everything it sees and hears. We couldn’t even be within earshot of each other. She was forced to work in her bed and I was forced to take up half the living room with 2 baker’s racks of AV equipment. Still went through those two years being able to look back fondly at being able to take a five minute break to scream into a pillow and get a hug after a particularly stressful problem, meeting, or office politics.

    I completely understand where you’re coming from, but just like how you can’t imagine a partner you want to spend the rest of your life with. I cannot imagine someone ever replacing my wife, and I don’t even want to entertain the notion of losing her.

    • well what if it’s insert_celebrity_crush_here?
      -- that’s not my wife, not interested

    • well what if it’s your wife but she never says no to you?
      -- that doesn’t sound like my wife at all, I’m not interested

    We just mesh incredibly well. We both grew up in problematic households with a disdain for our parents. We both grew up poor. We both care more about financial security and safety than trying to get it all. I feel like we’re a team, at all times. Not having her beside me would be like playing football with only half the players.

    I will say, this is gonna sound weird but stick with me. Don’t… don’t chase a monogamous relationship.

    I think too many people get hooked on this idea that you must have a partner. You must marry before you hit 35. You must fuck before you hit 19. Just don’t think so hard about it. Geography, life events, mistakes, opportunities, are all at place with literally everyone at all times. COVID especially through a wrench in every life plan in America. I feel so bad for anyone who hadn’t gone through college yet. Just… find enjoyment where you can and balance that with building your future and if both those points can be met with the same activity. DO IT. Whether it’s a partner that you can’t live without and you wanna keep, or a group you can’t live without. You need both those points in life. Do whatever makes sense.

  • PSA:
    Edge is also what you should use whenever you’re making a public presentation and need to open a browser.

    Why? Because you never use edge, therefore autocomplete is almost empty which means you can type:

    1. x
    2. p
    3. h
    4. r

    With full confidence that NOTHING will appear that you will not want public.