and a bunch of F-15 apparently
and a bunch of F-15 apparently
yeah, that’s rough
Why do people hate the US government? /s
I don’t understand… she has the right in islamic law to ask for divorce which she would have been granted by a judge seeing the abuse.
I think it is not possible in Christian law for a woman to ask for divorce except in the case of adultry, but Islamic law is clear about cases where the husband is abusive or doesn’t take his responsibilities. I just don’t get how people still consider Iran as a country that upholds Islamic law, unless they don’t know said law.
So are you saying that someone in Gaza filmed this and went ahead and sent it to an Israeli news channel?
Oh, here is riverELECTEDmonster again
Curious how damaged they are.
One must have serious damage and no morals to do such thing
Usury 101.
The plague of the world at many scales.
Well, Khamas made them do that! So they bear no responsibility whatsoever. Duh.
Yes, they were trying to free them, obviously.
And my axe.
Obligatory “How could Hamas do this?”
The misinformation war is real.
However the IDF and it’s government in general are known for their long history of misleading the public opinion, in simple words: lying and fabricating false proofs without being afraid of how ridiculous they are (eg. Top secret plans on foot soldiers).
So the sane thing to do is to take whatever allegations are made from either side with a grain of salt.
Will those dogs pay higher than dogs from the province if we want to train them? Or is the recent proposal only for humans?
Hmm… When someone says “colonisers”, which countries come to mind?
This is not the explanation you’re looking for
These permanent members are in the top arms suppliers, playing a double game of pretending to work for world peace while gaining from wars.