try being black in literally ANY Asian country.
try being black in literally ANY Asian country.
idk, murdering people based on their genetic predisposition to healthy living standards seems more of a literal definition of it.
I do understand (and agree with) your point though.
I think killing people through apathetic business practices that are specifically designed to maximize profit over human life is not just murder, it’s genocide.
I also believe that a justice system that is curtailing law for the wealthy based on some sense of increased personal worth compared to that of a “lowly commoner” goes against the fabric of our nation and is a personal attack against the culture of our country. I also believe that anyone lending support to these traitors are themselves traitorous filth that deserves to be imprisoned in a public gallows to send a message that that behavior will no longer be tolerated.
short answer though, yes violence begets violence.
terraform and AWS route 53 on a self hosted gitlab pipeline.
why is there a us base anywhere outside of the us? because national security.
have you lived under a rock for the past 65 years or are you twelve?
How is it brainless?
hur dur how is it brainless?
☝️ like that brainless.
a low effort retort.
minimal attention to detail.
a scab comment.
edit : and now I know you’re just a troll.
not sure if troll or just completely brainless comment.
I don’t actually own this, but I saw it used once 10 years by my fathers aunts best friend. I guess it would work for what you need it for.
he wanted to make a difference to those that couldn’t escape.
he was lured under false pretense.
at this point anyone wanting to make this a better world where we can live in peace and equality has to make a choice.
you either kill the oppression or they kill you.
I’m getting too old for this shit.
yes, The Rapist Brock Turner who rapes his victims when they do not consent to sex with him.
ole “Quick Draw Turner”
you do realized there’s shelf stable food that can last years…right?
also, buying a generator or motor would also go towards your “defense budget” of your impending blizzard…
that means you either didn’t understand the analog or you’re arguing under the false pretense that Russia isn’t a credible threat.
and although I tend to agree that Russia is not an advanced threat, even a broken old dog is able to bite you once so we should prepare for it at least.
instead of war let’s use critical weather as an analogy.
it’s getting colder, and there’s 16 extra feet of snow on the local mountain range than usual.
do you:
a) prepare for a long hard winter by increasing your grocery budget by 25%
b) do nothing because the snow is up there and you haven’t seen more than 4 ft id snow in 45 years.
well, not them. those guys can because they are the government.
I don’t want him to die, I just want him and all his financial supporters to be destitute and penniless.
he would know about the Internet’s dark corners.
let me show you how to navigate this.
I absolutely cannot support murder in any form, even when it comes from a billion dollar healthcare company.
it states your opinion clearly, and sets the boundary that nobody is exempt.
the way you phrased it and how it was perceived are as follows
I don’t support murder of any kind. but there was no reason to kill the man who expanded and supported medical tribunals that effectively led to the death of tens of thousands of American’s last year. murder is not the answer. now let’s talk about this like civilized people like we’ve been doing for the last 100 years and hope that something changes.
do you see the differences?
the second time around you set your boundary of, “murder bad”. but then move the goal posts in support of continuing the status quo that got us to this point because his company is murdering thousands of its customers.
it’s not that you’re not supporting a murderer, it’s that your commentary is supporting the aristocracy that runs the machine that eats us all.
they don’t hate you, they hate what you support.
we’re inside of it.