Spanish guy, who likes open source software and has just discovered the fediverse (as of 28th of April, 2022). I like video games, and indie and retro music. I’m a student. I’m officially diagnosed with ADHD and ASD since January, 2023.
Wishful thinking, unfortunately.
My ADHD is in this picture and it doesn’t know why Jupiter is not another star.
I really like Carl Marx. Especially in that movie, Duck Soup. Amazing.
Sorry, I didn’t write correctly what I meant. I meant calling someone names, like “you’re this” or “you’re that”, just because you have a different opinion than mine.
I’ve only seen brigades from hexbear on other instances I don’t belong, but I understand that it’s a thing we need to deal with, using proper and more effective moderation tools. Defederation can also be a solution, temporary in this case, until the admins of that instance control, somehow, the brigaders so they stop brigading.
I mean, I can behave in any way I want in my own house, because it’s my own house. But when I’m in someone else’s house, I never think about behaving in that same way, unless I want to face consequences, even before a court of justice. Instances are like houses, and communities are like rooms, and you have to follow the rules of the place you’re interacting on.
I always avoid communities related to politics because of that reason. There are other reasons, like a big focus on US politics or being feed with politics 24 hours per day every day.
But I noticed an increasing amount of hostility in other communities as well, not related directly to politics. For example, in those communities about Ukraine, there is always the usual tankie spreading strong words and what not. Or when there is a post about defederating certain instance, it seems that people take it personally and swear words are easily launched.
People can say the same things in a good way, being nice and polite. There is no need to troll or make others feel shitty. It also depends on what instance you’re on, but for the most part, it’s on us how we want this to become into: either a civil place to discuss everything, or Reddit 2.0.
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.
Most communists are closeted fascists. Poor souls.
Pages/Apps like Threads make me feel really insecure and insignificant, like my self esteem lost all its value and the only thing I want is to be relevant, to matter to people. And because those things are very difficult unless you’re a celebrity, it creates frustration, shattered dreams, more impatience, depression, and a deep feeling of irrelevance. I don’t want that in my life, especially being myself a neurodivergent person. My goal is to create relationships, not footmen.
The final one with the number 10, obviously.
I just hope that the IPO backfires, or that users suddenly realise how shitty that webpage is and they leave.