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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • You haven’t mentioned what sort of access link or speed you have, that seems very relevant here.

    For my 1Gbit/s fiber connection the Edgerouter 6P has been pretty good. It has an SFP port and can route 1 Gbit/s of traffic without issue and my dual-stack setup works well too.

    The only significant downside is that its switching is slow, it has no hw support. So I put my NAS on a separate subnet instead so that the traffic to it can be routed instead.

  • “in the lab” is always a dangerous one. If the Tokyo U people only just demonstrated that hard carbon electrode, then who knows if it can be produced at an industrial scale and if that can be done economically. Even if it can, maybe there is still enough time until production picks up that one more technological refresh on the LiFePO4 production is justified in the mean time.

    Besides, there is some inherent inertia, in research, in the markets, in politics. Even if a clear technological winner emerged suddenly some researchers would still have a year or two to finish their grant and publish their findings, some production lines would produce until their eventual superior replacements come online and the stocks would be sold off, and some subsidies would still be payed out until a new law could redirect the funds to only support the acceleration of the new best thing.

  • No, it’s a normal multiplication by 3, and it makes sense.

    3 times the sum expands to: 3 * 1/4 + 3 * 1/16 + 3 * 1/64 + 3 * 1/256 + …

    Which is essentially what the picture shows: The main meme is three quarters filled with whole pictures, the fourth quarter being the inset of the sub meme, which is made up of three sixteenths of whole pictures and the fourth sixteenth is made up of the next layer of inset meme etc.

  • USB Type-C is not all over the place, it’s a pretty normal connector standard, that was updated a few times.

    What may be confusing to is that there are also two other relevant standards:

    • USB Power Delivery 2.0 and its updates
    • USB 3.0 and its updates

    Both of these standards require the USB Type-C connector for some of their features. Sometimes in a specific revision, for example at least USB Type-C Rev 2.1 is required for the Extendend Power Range introduced in USB Power Delivery 3.1 for charging at more than 100W.

    Furthermore USB 3.1 has absorbed USB 3.0 and USB 3.2 has absorbed USB 3.1. Each time they renamed the old connection speeds. For example a USB 3.2 Gen 1×1 connection used to be called a USB 3.1 Gen 1 connection and before USB 3.1 came out it was called a USB 3.0 connection.

    Finally USB Type-C has so called alternate modes, where the lanes for SuperSpeed USB can instead be assigned to carry other protocols, like DisplayPort.

    Since very few features are actually required to be supported, and marketing managers are apparently allergic to precision, it’s hard to find out what feature is supported on which interface for any given device.

  • No, I use the old desktops for that.

    Old laptops usually seem to go to other people:

    • My first one I gave one to a girl who’s house burned down in my street.
    • The second one went to my ex who is on really hard financial times and the old Macbook she got from another good soul died on her.
    • The third one I traded in with my mom who really wanted a light one, and in exchange she contributed to…
    • My fourth one that had more power for compiling things in my studies. This one I still have and use occasionally.