Yeah pink was man’s colour because it is the colour of just cooked steak.
Yeah pink was man’s colour because it is the colour of just cooked steak.
I wish I could go 3 days without a shit. IBS … go for the wee and stay for the crap!
My parents are in their 80’s and my wife is older than me and they are the only people who really matter to me. I don’t have other family.
When they go I will go too. I don’t see how I will be able to live on my own.
No wars before Christianity…gotcha.
You really need to see what progress has come through Christianity to see how absurd your statement is LOL.
Same here with 7D2D I have over 1k hours on it and it’s still fresh to me.
Well think of it this way, do you live in or near Australia?
Yeah does look like it also not Aussie
That maggot doesn’t really exist…any more
Yeah it’s from killers. The original had the full body and it was Margret Thatcher.
Yeah we cancelled last month
Jokes on them, we unsubscribed last month lol
Also if only more than 24% of the voters could have been arsed to vote.
Just use a massive amount and if it keeps blocking the loo then oh well when the cheap paper causes too much cost then they might look into better quality stuff.
It was the comma in your sentence which made me snort. That’s a very funny comma.
He was also a slave trader and worse of all, he didn’t like dogs…