They have chronic parasite infestation leading to mental retardation. its a medical problem.
They have chronic parasite infestation leading to mental retardation. its a medical problem.
Fascinating how several people are determined to misquote, misattribute and mischaracterise my comments rather than do a little reading and free themselves from ignorance.
i never ascribed a religion to the attacker. i suggested that the growth of islam in that region might be linked with violence against women. because it usually is.
People that grew up with chronic helminth infestation have serious mental impairment. why are you being facetious?
You don’t believe in helminths? thousands are afflicted. maybe you think schistosoma are imaginary too. so, when youre pissing blood in excruciating pain, you will go to the witch doctor for a dose of belief based medicine, yes?
Hundreds of thousands of women are killed each year, poisoned by their doctors. this article is old but nothing has changed. is this misogyny? i thought most doctors these days are women.
Yes, sadly islam does happen thousands of times a day in the west. Not so sure about the chronic helminth infestation tho
Check my other comment.
Since i was a boy, i enjoyed the public library but i never understood why they always had loads of “romance novels” in a special section that only women frequented. when i was older it occurred to me to take a closer look and i was appalled. all women are disgusting. /s
North west, bordering uganda. hmmm. i wonder if there is an islamic component to this? Or maybe a brain development problem. that region has a big problem with helminth infestation. A lot of poor rural kids have the worms and so, the immune system is inflamed and brain fails to develop. typical characteristic is inability to negotiate simple problems and turn on the other person in violent rage. its well documented. i have seen videos from rural west kenya of low iq parents beating their low iq children.
Yes georgia, it ends when you marry mr successful and he pays for everything.
wait a minute. are we talking gross domestic poopie? or poopie per capita?
Do i have to spell it out? it can only mean one thing. they aren’t abroad and they aren’t dead. Which means they must be underground, kept alive in a coma. their bodies used as orgone-energy batteries to power the quantum thingy. look, i don’t have much time. you’ll have to trust me… oh no, they can see us. run!
BTW, are we allowed to talk about the national capacity for 60M poopies per day vs the actual load of 90M ?
our birthrate drops. young adults emigrate. some old people die while others retire abroad. And yet, we’re 30M poopies/day overcapacity. why? nobody nose! it’s a mysteron!
Ah, i see. build empty prisons as a deterrent to the rich. brilliant! simply brilliant!
what do prisons achieve?
Where is your tupperware lunch box? hmmm?
Beware new laws! we already have industry and environmental regulation overlapping with general laws. Lack of enforcement is the problem
As i said, the problem is ongoing. Were you aware of the extent of lethal poisoning by prescription drugs? did you know that each year doctors kill thousands of women this way and get away with it?