I wouldn’t say ‘full’
I wouldn’t say ‘full’
Isn’t getting a bunch of people to sign in to participate in r/Place exactly Reddits goal?
My mom says I’m cool
I’m better than you have ever been or ever will be
If he dies, he dies.
I’ve seen this photo reposted a million times and this is the first time I’ve noticed the third dog.
I’d say that over the last year we’ve seen some cracks in Putin’s regime, but we may be getting ahead of ourselves on the Russian Federation downfall predictions
Doesn’t she remove it from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character? Which would make it the T-800
The app is named joey but the icon is of a koala??? 🤔
Always has been the reason
I like that the worker thinks this is so egregious he shakes his fist angrily
Those damned vampire children are never satiated!
Sounds like Apple paid the tab so everyone can enjoy better 3nm tech in the future. First gen adopters