Games is what I seem to be getting all the downvotes in. And some silly comment replies in an Apple thread for being a non Apple fan 😅
I only have two cats and I am really losin’ it over here. She/her ✨ Check out my finished FREE videya gaem:
Games is what I seem to be getting all the downvotes in. And some silly comment replies in an Apple thread for being a non Apple fan 😅
Is there a better ‘lemmy’ instance you’d recommend?
Feel free to creep on my comments, I feel like I’m pretty amicable 🥺
So far my experience on is more hostile than I was expecting. Very quick to downvote and troll here. Hoping I’ve only just had the misfortune of finding a lot of bad eggs quickly???
I’m really digging the simplicity at, though I haven’t gotten mastodon yet. Still not up to speed on “instances” & the federated timeline (?).
I used to use Twit before the Nazi jerk off came along. I used it to follow individual game makers as they made progress on their games, creative writers tweeting out little stories, and amazing artists I would find there.
I was definitely a Twitter Nerd before it became tainted.
I truly do not get it. I hate everything lizard boy touches :(
Yes I will repeat the downvoted comment again to my own detriment here: Beware the Mac simps. They are a different breed for sure …
And thanks! I’ll definitely check out your stuff :)