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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    11 months ago

    I’m glad you are very considerate and have never made a mistake when excited about something before. Good for you friend.

    I’m serious, though. How do you make that “mistake”? How do you get so excited that you completely tunnel-vision out the simultaneous existence of hundreds of people? That’s absolutely in no way neurotypical.

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    11 months ago

    It’s not just me. If I was literally the only other person in the store, sure, I could understand that, they thought they were alone, they weren’t expecting to encounter anyone else.

    How the fuck do you just stop being aware of an entire seething mass of other humans flowing around you?

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    11 months ago

    Yes, I am incredibly unfriendly when I’m trying to get my shit done. I want to be out of that place as fast as fucking possible. I don’t want to linger, I don’t want to chat, and I sure as fuck have never in my life been so distracted that a hundred other moving, talking people just vanished completely from my awareness. Is that some kind of ADHD thing? Some manifestation of executive dysfunction, like always being late and never letting anyone else talk in a conversation if they can’t actively shout over you?

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    11 months ago

    What mental disorder does this fall into?

    This is totally bouncing off of me. How can a person, in a public space, surrounded at all times by other people, just forget they exist for any amount of time, for any reason? They’re fucking everywhere. They’re breathing, they’re talking, their cart wheels are squeaking, the footsteps from their rubber-soled shoes are echoing off the hard tile floors, how do your senses just stop registering any of that?

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    11 months ago

    Hey man if you want to read every interaction in the worst possible light that’s on you.

    Please suggest to me a better way to read an interaction in which someone in a very crowded public place just happens to forget that the possibility exists that another human might also need to get down that aisle. “Oopsie doodle! I forgot I was surrounded by a hundred people who would really rather get this chore done as fast as possible! Again! Silly me!”

    Give me a charitable interpretation of that person who doesn’t take even a split second to consider anyone else in their environment without having to be verbally admonished.

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    11 months ago

    People aren’t mind readers and they aren’t purposely trying to make your life harder.

    Oh, now I get it. They just don’t even notice or acknowledge the existence of other people unless someone reminds them that such mythical beings exist.

    Yeah, you’re right, I’m much more sympathetic to them now. They’re not mean, they’re just amazingly self-centered and oblivious!

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    11 months ago

    a handful of times at most

    You must have Shaq’s hands, because I’ve experienced this literally every time I’ve gone to a grocery store throughout my entire adult life.

    Get the fuck out of the way or someone less hinged than I am is going to move you.

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    11 months ago

    You’re totally right, that makes me feel so much better about having to wait idly for the next 19 minutes rather than get my shopping done. They’re not in my way, they’re connecting! I should try to connect with them, too!

    Wow, they left. Why don’t they want to connect anymore?

  • Probably has its roots from way back in the day so that women couldnt effectively run away from the men and get very far.

    Can’t speak to Muslim culture, but European culture way back in the day didn’t want women riding horses because of sex.

    There are a lot of branches on that tree, but the biggest one is that since horseback was believed to be capable of rupturing the hymen (hymen science has progressed quite a bit since I last looked into it, so I don’t know if that’s actually a thing), it was the same thing as having sex for women. They believed that women got sexual pleasure from it (which, I guess, was a bad thing), that they’d start craving horses as lovers instead of humans, and all sorts of weird shit that only twisted, perpetually horny dudes would think of.

    So the sidesaddle was invented. It allowed women to ride horses while, literally and figuratively, keeping their legs closed.

    Unfortunately, riding sidesaddle is a massive pain in the ass, so that fad didn’t last long. Maybe about fifty years or so of general popularity (because, obviously, you can still get a sidesaddle and learn to ride in it today, if you want, for whatever reason) over the course of all horse-domestication history.

    Of course, like so many things from European history, this primarily applied to rich/noble people. The poor didn’t have the luxury of giving a fuck about most of it.

  • I dunno. I’m an autistic anxiety-sufferer who scours subreddit rules before I ever try to post anything, specifically to avoid the embarrassment and shame of doing it “wrong”, and some of those subs are still impossible. Have you ever tried to post anything in r/Showerthoughts? The rules absolutely don’t cover all the things the automod will instantly remove. It uses some kind of keyword tagging system that is never explained in any of the sidebars or wikis. I tried maybe a dozen different thoughts over the course of a couple months and not one of them got past the automod (well, except for the one that a mod reposted as their own 24 hours after mine got deleted, but that’s gotta be a coincidence).

    Or, my second-favorite, the one where your post gets autoremoved for “Rule 4”, but there’s no list of numbered rules anywhere on or linked to the subreddit. I think that’s a “feature” of New Reddit, where Old Reddit users can’t see the sidebars anymore under certain conditions, but I’m not sure.

    And then, third favorite, are the ones OP is probably talking about, where the rules amount to a college textbook’s worth of pages that have been through no developmental editing or copyediting, so they’re more vague than 5e’s description of the Magic Jar spell, but whatever interpretation the mods are using, it’s not the obvious one… or the second-obvious… or the third-obvious…