For anyone not getting this reference it’s a fascinating, but sad story: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Howe_Lovatt
For anyone not getting this reference it’s a fascinating, but sad story: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Howe_Lovatt
That looks like a blast, but I’d make sure the weather reports were favorable first…
Everyone who gives weapons to Israel (or money to buy weapons) did this. I finally got angry enough to write Biden a letter, but who knows if he actually read it or not (probably not, but I did get a reply). It didn’t seem to help much. All the protests aren’t helping much. What can the people do to stop the govenment’s support of Israel?
I heard that too, but I’m no historian. What certainly is different now is having the internet; everyone who cares is staying informed and seeing what Israel is doing to Palestinians in almost real time. Not that we can do much about it.
I suggest writing some letters to choice politicians.… Maybe you can get past the thick, dead tissue surrounding what remains of their hearts.
I think people were not detecting the sarcasm…
Wow, that’s crazy. My ecosystem only has microdenizens; I can’t image what it would be like to go macro. Good luck making your dreams come true =☆
If another country came into ours and started driving people out, cutting down food trees and putting in settlements, you bet we’d be pissed. But it’s like our politicians have zero empathy and can’t imagine us being in another’s shoes. I know politics requires making hard choices, but must every top politician be a sociopath? It’s very imbalanced.
“Patients are generally encouraged to rest, stay hydrated, and use over-the-counter pain relievers[…]”
Sounds like you turn yourself into a sloth… Where you do it is up to you, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I can’t vote anymore, but I will try to contact a representative anyways. I have already tried contacting the White House, but got a crappy response. I’ll check out the link, thanks.
Who can stop the US’s support of Israel? It seems hopeless. I don’t even know what else to say. This world is upside-down.
There’s always 5D Optical Data Storage, which might store data in glass for a long, long time. (It’s not really 5D; it’s composed of discrete nanostructures which have five attributes.) You would only have to write to a new disc every N billions of years.
The administration of President Joe Biden had considered blocking the battalion from receiving US assistance amid reports of involvement in human rights violations, but Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Friday that such abuses had been “effectively remediated”.
So, we effectively dragged our feet until we got assurances that the battalion corrected its behavior? Yet, when it comes to the UNWRA, we’re quick to cease funding on a faint glimmer of a rumor.
That’s why you branch out
I’m not buying much, if any, of this story. The FBI has been known to groom potential ‘terrorists’, catch them before they can act, and then toot their own horns for a job well done. And by groom, I mean nudging unstable people towards extremism and providing them weapons, vehicles, dates, etc. to carry out an attack.
Knowing that the FBI does the things I mentioned also leads to a disturbing question: how many successful mass attacks in the US were the result of FBI involvement? Is it a nonzero number?
I’m not sure anything short of a large, sympathetic militia and/or military intervention was going to help, since the farmers had armed men.
That said, who else but cops would be using rubber bullets? Seems suspicious… maybe the cops didn’t just fail to stop the farmers after all.
Just trying to look at the thing from every angle.
I’m probably blind, but I can’t find where the police were at fault this time. It said the cops failed to stop the farmers… maybe it’s similar to the Israeli military/settler dynamic?
Can’t add railing to every steep area. Jk, of course we can, we’ve got the resources :D
It’s a sad story though, how he let go once he knew he was risking his wife’s life by continuing to hold onto her. That final look of goodbye which probably took place, and the letting go.
Thanks for the detailed info. It would be awesome if the CEOs and shareholders took a pay hit, so they could keep work here and pay them more to boot. (I haven’t run any numbers to see if it would even make a big enough difference.)
I didn’t know the CHIPS act was having trouble. Last new I heard was that US workers supposedly didn’t have sufficient work ethic, or something. Iirc, it sounded like they didn’t want to be worked to death…
Nice shot! Looks similar to the Riverside (CA) area.