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Cake day: July 17th, 2024


  • Idk bullshit peddler, I can’t get with you on this one. Because I think at the end of the day - anything will be seen as “up for grabs” and illustrators will be on the outs like loomers. And while I am somewhat okay with the idea of rug makers (among other loomable items) being antiquated - creativity should not be because it’s the pulse of human expression for many and if we lessen it/deny it - I think the whole world will begin to taste like corn-flakes.

    I saw this growing up in a way, they took our arts program and nobody really found any way to express themselves and at the end of the day where I grew up very few people ever amounted to much of anything =/! I think expression is needed, and must be safeguarded because you need to feel safe to express and must know that it’s a worthwhile venue to venture into. But this is all kinda arm flapping. You can’t stop the future and clearly AI is here to stay - so now we’ve got to work around what we can.

    But, by the by - I still love the bs you’re putting down =)

  • ++ I get so bummed out that people who are running models are unabashedly stealing from people left and right and then shrugging their shoulders for their unethical practices. Perhaps pay people for their catalogues at an agreed upon rate or be a disgusting pig and buy from their estate after death. But don’t just come out here and train your models on everything as if it were a free for all and as if creativity amounted to nothing more than fodder for unabashed capitalism =/!

  • Yeah shoes were optional for a solid chunk of change of my lifetime and I used to have some real rough feet and damn do I miss them =P! How do you do nowadays? I am still pretty minimalist. I like the heel of my shoes to be as thin as I can take them. But hiking, when I use those minimalist shoes I keep torturing myself my poking a fat rock right into a nerve that sends pain rushing up my being =P! I don’t think I’ll ever have it like I used to.

  • I mean tbh, if it’s tech from San Fran they actually are super about inclusive. At least any devs I’ve met from there, as it’s sort of woven into the cultural tapestry of the West Coast as a whole (which is funny considering it has had some exceptionally racist policies in the past). I think more so people just don’t realize what might be a thing needed to run the gamut of diversity because the face of STEM itself is relatively one sided in America. Probably just the face of corporate America as a whole, if we were being honest.

  • Oh for sure, you’re most right! I mean we see it replicated over and over and over again in our society in so many spaces how would the ripples not continue onward into cybernetics. Something I often think about is if it’s not/hasn’t happened to you, you don’t even tend to think about it. And by it, I mean being oppressed in some manner pertaining specifically to something you cannot change. They’re also cannibalizing the middle class. So in the end you really probably will just have the “global” ruling class and the “indignant” and “ungrateful” others who they must charitably coexist with. But I also think it’s like…the concept behind Deus Ex/Snowpiercer (Idk too many SciFi things don’t come at me with pitchforks). So like, sci-fi writers got one up on us.

    But I always figure, if you want to remember you’ve been bought and sold as a whole (no matter your class, ethnic background, or gender as long as you’re not the top dog) I always point towards Russell Means Welcome to the Reservation because he proposes that America as a whole is a reservation because just because you think you’re “free” doesn’t mean you actually are free.

    Eh! The whole thing gets me sad.

  • Tech for sure has a race/gender/class issue in America. On a global scale, I can’t say much and I know that tech is global. I also know that Nigeria has a solid tech hub in Lagos. But also know that education in general in Nigeria is brutally competitive and very situationally based.

    But to be honest, this has long since been an issue with technology. I know it was fluttered all over the net but people have long since known consumer cameras were made with a certain type of complexion in mind. But hilariously the first time I seen AI x racism talked was via Robin Thede (so a skit show) some odd years back. But capitalism gunna cap, and it’s crazy that people can’t just widen their test range if they’re not going to at least offer a seat at the table.

  • I figured it had to be about uniqueness. But also, I really do think we’ve all got certain commonalities but our experiences make us quite unique. Hmm. I wonder sometimes if the idea was brought together by people who attended k-12 primarily. Because a lot of the videos we saw way back when brought up the individuality of snowflakes quite often. But also I know there were a lot of projects surrounding us all making our own snowflakes. And it was an idea that just got stuck in their heads (as things tend to because we can’t remember everything but certain things when repeated enough times lodge their way in). A lot of the films we were shown I think were from the 80s, maybe the 70s? And I don’t think schools changed too much until around when smart phones were around. I know it’s for sure a different jungle nowadays. And I was raised in an underfunded school system and (this is going to sound absolutely cruel) but I know a good chunk of Republicans that aren’t vampires but are hella indignant probably weren’t going to particularly well funded schools either. Just some stuff I’m kicking around, nothing for sure in here. Just makes me think. It’s kinda like how certain generations get stuck on certain things. And if there wasn’t much funding the materials would have to be drawn out more, which could expand the exposure/idealism that “every snowflake is unique.”

    But I mean at the end of the day it’s all bully logic and it’s made to poke fun at people who they think are different and difficult. But I’ve got my thoughts on that too. I will say outside of all things that “staying the course” and being “moderate” at the least (conservative otherwise - I don’t think we’ve really ever been all the progressive - and I guess I am just talking US politics) have already lined up many people for failure with no real reversal. And the thing I keep seeing people pop-up and talk about is if we’re bold enough to keep going or if we can lay our egos down and find alternatives to many of our damaged systems and idealism. And I think a lot of this stuff is used so that we don’t.

    But I will also say being around angry or manipulative people (I’ll use the term extremist but I don’t even think you have to be that extreme to be angry) isn’t fun. At least for me personally. And I have walked away feeling marginalized on both sides of the fence. And I think some liberals, while their hearts are (may be) in the right place, have some pretty unrealistic views and sit on their hands quite a bit in a kinda Universalist limbo. And both sides are super susceptible to mediacoholicism and rage. But that doesn’t stop me for a second of voting dem the whole way down on every ballot.

    I think I read once on Reddit say that someone considered themselves liberal until they moved into a hyper-liberal space and then slowly rolled to a more conservative space. I don’t think there’s an space under this sun that I would become a conservative. But I will say that I have found myself also disliking (some) people who I suppose would be considered “snowflakes” to hyper-conservatives. Because they have always come off a super manipulative, unable to compromise, and quite often hollow. But there have been some really cool freedom fighters I’ve met too. Who just are (exist), and even if they come from certain spaces just want what’s best for people who have been chronically oppressed. So it’s not so much the idealism. As it is a certain kind of person, and it’s not just someone’s bobbing and weaving around with blue hair. I’d also say it’s not so much the performative nature as I’m a big mo with big expression and love people rocking their panache. It’s just some of these folks kinda remind me of something like…idk. I mean they’re for sure very internet-y. The whole lot of them (both sides). But they kind of remind me of someone constantly adopting everything around them but ultimately lacking their own substance or identity. And I had an ex like that, who was a hipster. And it was always like she was playing at being something, but in reality she was just copying the things around her. And like I guess I hear fake it til you make it and like the idea of like…if you’re copying something it’s cause you like and you want to be it - and what was that thing imitation is the purist form of flattery. And we’re all influenced by all sorts of things and none of us original in that sense. But there’s just something really sad about a person who doesn’t even get to be a person but instead a persona. And I mean that like - all the way to the top. It sucks.

    So yeah, here’s my word vomit. Hopping off cause this one was a doozy.

  • I thought about this the other day because one of the comedians on Dr. Katz eventually came out as gay. And I am most certain he cheated on his SO during that time. But also people still cruise, and I think there is a lot of cheating between individuals of some queer nature who seemingly want more than they can barter for as a whole. Because I am not saying monogamy is the only way, it’s just the way for me. But that’s neither here nor there. I just want to say that I grew up sort of staggering between two generations. All my friends at one time were older than me, and I got a lot of Gen X influence from that - while still being a stanky Millennial. I can’t speak on what exactly Gen X thought could or would be plausible for the queer community as a whole. Because I only know what I thought. And what I thought, was that we could never get married. That we would always have to live our lives in the shadows. And I have lived a considerable amount of my own life in the closet - even when I am a loud and proud lesbian. On account of the default thinking of individuals being that I am just a quirky individual yet nice individual, and that I was I guess…too nice to be gay? Because being gay, for quite some time, was pretty much the worst thing you could be. It meant you were a pedophile, a rapist, mentally ill, damned for all eternity - etc. And I mean, I am not saying that we’re leaps and bounds from that, but it is relatively better.

    But a simple explanation I’ve given my gal, who comes from a very different background that me - is that in certain communities you “cannot even be gay.” Like it’s like an option that doesn’t even exist, and it was that way for a long time. And I do know that it has changed a bit, but it’s yet again - not by leaps and bounds. And the are still socially acceptable behaviors that straights get to tout 100xs more than queers regardless of how many radical marches or “funny characters” you see in the media.

    So this all circles back to individuals like cruisers - or people who cheat with same sex individuals. All cheating, as I said before, I think is bullshit. And no, I don’t think being in an non-monogamous relationship with another individual and having sex with other individuals means they’re cheating. I do think there can be cheating, when you’re not playing by the rules or breaking others boundaries intentionally without conversing on it and knowingly harming or lying to your partner(s) for your own personal gain. But even that’s kind of simplified view of it all. But I mean I am aware that we’re human, and they we’re flawed - and that cheating is nothing new and that to some it means far more than to others. And that there is also a huge debate on whether or not humans themselves are monogamous or if it’s a puritanical social construct. BUT! If I never thought that we could get married, yet lo and behold - we can. I am not sure what I would do personally if I didn’t think I could be actively gay. As in, if I were an individual trapped in a relationship that perhaps mentally fulfilled me but physically couldn’t. Or that the very act of something my body needed - was sinful. But also, you know some people get off on that stuff.

    But all things aside, this is to say - that I think that this is a larger and more complicated issue than just wanting to bang someone. I mean, all cheating can have layers to it - but queer sex has generations of oppression that individuals are either trying to combat or hide (I think it shifts by generation but of course there’s always outliers). And so in this sense I believe if there were some kind of “green-pass” to same-sex cheating it’d probably be due to something here.

    But in my view, there isn’t. And I think you might be a little homophobic if you’re not joking. And also I am a queer who doesn’t believe in that stuff, and I was dating a guy at the time I came out and we most definitely split before I ever was deep in the poon. So it’s not like we’re all just a bunch of cheating heathens.

  • Emotional cheaters are still cheaters. All fucking cheaters can be taken straight to the fucking trash. I don’t care how they do it. I don’t care when or what time or age or whatever blah, blah, blah - I just strongly hold the stance fuck cheaters. I’m not talking about a stroll in the park, or a business plan. I am talking about people who are snakes who intentionally and selfishly walk past a series of boundaries and filters because they’ve got their heads in their asses.

  • I mean, I’d say like…you don’t need to treat animals better than you treat humans. But also, you absolutely are entitled to loving your pets. But also like…if you want kids, have them. Even if you’re broke. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Just try not to be a piece of shit. We’ve rocked it thus far in life, I don’t think we need to pair “you be you beau-beau” logic with “by the way, fuck natalism” stuff at the end. But that’s just me. Life is all about them breaths though. Keep the out-breath a smidgen longer than the in =)!

  • So tired of all these buildings, that look the same inside and out. I really love the small details that reigned throughout older architecture. Not sure when they dipped out, but probably in the 70s? I am going to guess a lot of the handiwork I’ve admired is probably from the 1930s and before. But also I am not in Europe, I am in America. So I only know the architecture inspired by the og stuff (because I haven’t been yet, but will go someday I’d imagine - health and $$$ permitting). I actually do like some post-modern stuff very much. I am not sure what these new complexes are in style, but they’re like…capitalist modern. They feel soulless, tacky, and outright awful. People applaud them for adding multi-unit living spaces to cities, but who can afford to live there? And renting them feels like Russian Roulette thanks to market priced leasing. Eh. EH! Getting grumpy thinking about it.

    So let’s talk about these cool cat styles I’ve seen. American gothic styles, everything feels like your soul is damned and those little gargoyles are coming to get you. Choice! Neo-classical, where am I - in ROMA!? Marble, nice shiny and smooth marble. Don’t like it on kitchen countertops, but man it’s some kind of beautiful on monuments and other important buildings. Plus you feel like you’re tap dancing 24/7. Art deco - man how these buildings take up space. I once seen a custom built art deco house that made me want to slap somebody cause it was so beautiful. Took a picture and I still have that mugger fugger where as so many have fallen off. Dream house! Dream style. Some kinda wonderful. Everything looks like the Emerald City. This style knows how to command space. And nothing needs to be this extravagant, but it is. And I like that. It’s kinda like - you smell the cologne/perfume on this one. It’s ritzy. Hell it might have literally been the reason for the invention of the word. Classy!

    I like Prairie school stuff too but it’s just kinda like if you took Japanese architecture and smashed it together with post-modern ideas. Eh! It’s cool though.

    Also I’ve always figured that if we’re nature infinitely attempting to recreate itself - that buildings are just like…trees/hollows. So we’re just making a bunch of steel trees. Meh!

    Enjoy this word diarrhea. Enjoy it good.

  • I didn’t know this, on account of like not knowing a lot of land owners. But I did know one (for sure), and they had some property that unfortunately burnt down. It was more economically sound for them to keep the place an empty lot with a guard and a gate than to build something back up. I think that’s naners. But also the whole situation was some kind of nanas.

    I heard the same thing for landlords in the past. That having the property in any state is better than having to reinvest that cash into upkeep. So you don’t particularly care about the renter’s life quality, as much as you care that they keep floating money up to you and not complaining as things fall apart around them. And keeping people in crisis mode is a great way to counter any sort of counter-measures they can bring down on you. But also keeping public support organizations under-budget and overwhelmed is a solid way of sending the message “you’re on your own.”

    I know it’s kinda like a learned helplessness thing - but when everything around you is shit, and you’re trying your best and just keep sinking - it’s tough to fight assholes. But this is all er…my thoughts on the matter. I don’t know anything definitively. Just figured they’re banking that property until it’s time to sell. And anything that goes into it - is money that cuts overall profits.

  • I’ve thought about this a lot, on account of infinite people having an insane amount of trouble just keeping consistent shelter over their heads. My gal had suggested this as a means for the homeless. I know that right now malls are being lent out to many individual small organizations (namely churches as far as I know it). But I am not sure this is sustainable as a whole. Due to maintenance costs, hazardous situations like mold and lack of privacy.

    I also think about how people keep saying cost of living is why people aren’t having kids. But I have lived in multiple places that were once a much larger living space that had been jankily peacemealed into several much smaller apartments. I am a human that enjoys having space of my own, even if it’s micro in nature. I can’t imagine I am alone in that. And I don’t believe people will want to further invest in divvying up spaces in malls. At least, unless they’re getting kickbacks. And they’ll probably do it in the worst of ways. Leading to spaces that will be barely sound and fast to degrade but slow to fix. I mean shelter is super duper important. But I swear to god your surroundings can affect your mental state. And when you’re wedged together in a decaying mold filled building with a bunch of aging individuals facing a slew of different health-issues it’ll probably deteriorate your wellness faster than if we tore the places down and utilized some sort of cheap eco-friendly building material/robo-builder to assist making healthier homes.

    Also mind you, I don’t think we’re gunna have beautiful low-income or middle-income homes if the greige, vinyl, orange-peel, chrome take-over points towards anything.