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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I agree with a lot of this sentiment. My goal is to try to “be the change I want to see in the world”.

    So I occasionally challenge the dumb group think I see on here. Sometimes it well received but not always.

    One thing Ive noticed is how reactionary and un-nuanced a lot of posts are. I guess it makes sense since a majority of the users here self-selected to leave a site in protest. There is a bias towards being “reactionary”.

    But the vibe feels off on Lemmy and I can’t put my finger on exactly why, but I certainly don’t feel like a lot of my people are here. Don’t get me wrong, I love hearing different opinions and viewpoints but the way a lot of them are presented here feel very “well ackshually!” or sanctimonious. It’s less like that on mastodon, but still there. Maybe less “fun” and hearted. It’s almost too serious, but even the less serious stuff isn’t as fun/funny.

    Hacker news feels better. Almost reminds me of old school reddit or even forums.

    I think the fediverse and Lemmy would have been better if it was designed where each “subreddit”/channel was an instance. Basically federate the small communities but don’t make a bunch of small “reddits” where it’s fragmented and watered down.

    There could be hubs with curated channels or apps that let you curate channels but each channel is effectively independent.

    Anyway, I don’t know that that would even fix the vibe problem with the fediverse but I think it would help communities grow, evolve, and mature better.

  • cybersandwich@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldPost your Servernames!
    2 months ago

    “rocinante” for my proxmox host.

    “awkward, past his prime, and engaged in a task beyond his capacities.” From don Quixote’s wiki page.

    It seemed fitting considering it is a server built from old PC parts…engaged in tasks beyond its abilities.

    The rest of my servers (VMs moslty) are named for what they actually do/which vlan they are on (eg vm15) and aren’t fun or excitin names. But at least I know if I am on that VM it has access to that vlan(or that it’s segregated from my other networks).

  • There are some dumb responses in this thread. Lots of misplaced vitriol at Texas and farmers.

    You want to have people report this stuff? Don’t act like dickheads when they do.

    Stuff like this happens from time to time in agriculture. UK has issues with TB in dairy cows which requires them to cull herds. It’s really shitty and unfortunate but this type of thing has happened for millenia.

    It’s better that they report it so we can address it and find ways to prevent it happening in the future.

    And unless everyone is willing to go 100% vegan tomorrow, we need farmers, livestock, and the like to keep our meat and dairy supply flowing.


    I also want to point out that it doesn’t seem like.they definitively determined it came from the cows but that he was “link” and “exposed” to infected cows.

    “Genetic tests don’t suggest that the virus suddenly is spreading more easily or that it is causing more severe illness, Shah said. And current antiviral medications still seem to work, he added.”

    So this guy could have gotten it from the same bird the cows got it from as well. A dozen other people were tested and none came back positive.

    All other cases we’ve seen have come from bird contact. So there is a reasonable chance this guy got it from an infected bird without realizing it.

    Also, none of the cows have died (dunno if that’s a good thing or bad thing).

  • I don’t have nearly that much worth backing up(5TB–and realistically only 2TB is probably critical), but I have a Synology Nas(12TB raid 1) and truenas (zfs striped/mirrored) that I back my stuff to (and they back up to each other).

    Then I have a raspberry pi with a USB drive (8tb) at my parents house 4 hours away, that my Synology backs up to (over tailscale).

    Oh, and I have a USB HDD(8tb) that I plug in and backup my Synology Nas to and throw in my fireproof safe. But thats a manual backup I do once every quarter or 6 months if I remember. That’s a very very last resort backup.

    My offsite is at my parents.

    And no, I have not tested it because I don’t know how I’m actually supposed to do that.

  • Breaking things is the best way to learn. Accidentally deleting your container data is one of the best ways to learn how to not do that AND learn about proper backups.

    Breaking things and then trying to restore from a backup that…doesn’t work. Is a great way to learn about testing backups and/or properly configuring them.

    The corrolary to this is: just do stuff. Analysis paralysis is real. You can look up a dozen “right ways” to do things and end up never starting.

    My advice: just start. If you end up backing yourself into a corner where you can’t scale or easily migrate to another solution, oh well. You either learn that lesson or figure out a way to migrate. Learning all along the way.

    Each failure or screw up is worth a hundred “best practice / how to articles”.

  • I know snap isn’t popular among Linux nerds, but I was really having issues with the AIO docker setup and at the time I didn’t have the time to troubleshoot/fight it. I needed to give my family a file drop link to share photos for a memorial service.

    I figured, the snap package was recommended on their site, maybe it won’t be horrible. To my surprise it was incredibly easy, has been rock solid, never had performance issues, and it’s always up-to-date.

    Snap may suck for some use-cases but this one seems to be right in it’s wheel house.

    It also has an export/backup capability built in.