Uh define code there. What about when storage and code are both on a machine that considers both instructions and data to be data? Is a spec not a creative work? Is code not just a spec?
Uh define code there. What about when storage and code are both on a machine that considers both instructions and data to be data? Is a spec not a creative work? Is code not just a spec?
Always were.
Big companies care too but only of their cya arm knows enough about software to actually enforce anything. A lot don’t.
Sean Connery is a true Scotsman. QED.
Lol I love you
Also you’re a banana
you disgust me
Wow… You don’t seem smart.
“interesting” that op won’t commit to an actual opinion on this. Could it be they agree but are too chickenshit to say!?
Try it and let us know how it works for you. Be sure to say it to their face in real life. 150 years is like 4 generations, that was after a sequence of attempted genocides, and then there was another two generations of trying to whitify them (fun fact, football has lots of rules because Yale attendees were soft racist little bitches who need participation trophies even 100 years ago). So yeah, let’s see what happens.
What does this even mean? Recycling doesn’t happen anyway.
Or it’s well known most places don’t actually recycle.
Missed a great opportunity to call it “shiparrr” but still cool
Y’all need female friends
Or jesus
Only the best for Enron! I mean they only destroyed the energy economy of the west for decades and counting. Plus California already re-affirmed their support for slavery, so it’s either work as a free man at the DMV for the rest of your life or work as a prisoner printing license plates.
To my point, that’s very easy to read. Humans are good at this.
I don’t think you read what I said: if mr white collar criminal steals $100k he works at chipotle for however long it takes to pay it off. Not at his old job. At chipotle.
If it were his old job, agreed 100
We can make this progressive by for example adjusting the employer by crime. 200k: mcd’s. 500k: Walmart. 1m+: your states dmv.
Why imprison? 100k means you work for free at chipotle until you pay it off.
He was scarred for life after watching how the west was won and then lost his right leg in the civil war.
Get fucked brad
Yeah I would imagine this is the point