asks for credit card and bullshit
to prevent all money from ending up in a single party’s hands.
I beg to differ.
Example: suppose you own property, gold, a business, or something else with tangible value. When inflation causes cash to decrease in value, your assets are safe. They have intrinsic value.
Example: suppose you’re living a lifestyle where you can’t afford assets like that. Maybe even living paycheck to paycheck. You make the same money, and you can buy less with each paycheck. You can’t start buying assets when money keeps getting tighter.
I think it’s pretty simple to see inflation only hurts the have-nots, while others are protected by the value of their accumulated assets.
None of the versions posted are the one I listened to. Then I realized the video I liked with the Voodoo People Pendulum Remix was taken down :(
Update: I just found it on a French social media site, I’m saved
10 billion percent better
Oh weird. The file on my phone is a gif. I have no clue why that happened…
Just wait until next month
wait, does a gif show up if you click the title?
did I mess up the gif somehow? I don’t see it