Between 40-60% of people have some form of permanent brain damage and 70-80% have long covid problems
Wait what? I’m with you on masking etc., but those numbers seem a bit high, where did you get those from?
Between 40-60% of people have some form of permanent brain damage and 70-80% have long covid problems
Wait what? I’m with you on masking etc., but those numbers seem a bit high, where did you get those from?
Don’t know if this is the case here, but the word pedophile refers to someone who is sexually attracted to children, and rapists don’t necessarily have to be attracted to their victims. There can be other motivations at play. So yeah, it’s possible that someone raping a child is not actually a pedophile. Doesn’t make it any less disgusting of course, and I have no clue why anyone thought “but he’s not a pedo” would be a reasonable argument here
The German saying says “Hut”, which is a less broad term than the English “hat”. And it definitely does not include that.
I mean, this is one of the few cases where you actually can reasonably say that you might not have to give a damn about GDPR. Assuming this is in the US, there’s a high chance that no EU citizen lives in that building, and thus GDPR doesn’t apply.
(Yes, I know this didn’t actually happen)
Not that I disagree with you generally, but in the recent case, manual door release wouldn’t have helped, as it’s basically impossible to push open a car door against the water pressure outside a submerged car.
Doesn’t really matter for the point they’re making, does it?
But after flushing I still need to check if I need to use the toilet brush
I agree that this way of displaying the data is appropriate, but it would be nice to have a very visible indicator of this. Some kind of highlighted “fold” line or something at the very bottom of the chart, maybe. If I can deduce the units from context, and the trend is more interesting than absolute numbers, then I’m not going to look at the axes most of the time