Go to a porn site and type “scissor” in the search bar
What, did you turn go straight from 16 to 30?
Hipster archetype?
It’s not really “4 per household”. It’s 4 per household PER ROUND. I believe the most recent ordering round started a couple months ago.
Edit: the article is from October, I think that was the most recent window. If you got your free tests from the government before then, you are eligible for 4 more
“I don’t like censorship, you should check out ML”
Troll or least aware fediverse user?
You know the conditions for workers who made every item you bought?
Not shocking. Many of these sketchy Chinese companies offer promises of profits abroad, then abuse the workers and drop them somewhere where they have no support system to rely on.
ProPublica did a great series on this earlier this year on the American marijuana industry
News outlets are careful with language because of libel laws. That’s why we have “accused murderer” or “suspected gunman” even when we have footage of the crime
They are also not employing children if you read the articleclol
In the supply chain. OEM parts are not made by the car brands.
For example, Ford doesn’t make headlights. They buy them from a headlight company. If the headlights were made by kids, do you blame Ford or the headlight company?
Have an upvote for spelling the fish correctly
Obama was president in 2016 though, up until January 2017
Wish I got an answer when I asked this a year ago
That’s an… odd suggestion
Idk there’s only 2 typos. That’s pretty impressive for most AI stuff I’ve seen with words
Sure. Anyone can challenge a legit news source through litigation. How often do you think NYTimes is sent legal threats over factual questions in their reporting? Probably dozens of letters each week. Why do those letters never result in lawsuits with real results? Because the papers keep their records tight.
I like how every time I see this identical picture it’s cropped slightly smaller so people can claim it’s a unique image
Legitimate news outlets do pretty thorough fact-checking, if only to avoid litigation
Stop posting on irrelevant communities
“Which is why I’m a Republican!” - also Zappa