Now that was a stupid move…
Now that was a stupid move…
Thank you for sharing
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it wrong. They’re right about legitimate targets regarding conflict rules
Just wait until central/north africa becomes unlivable… at least it will probably solve our age distribution issue…
OMG, the kids will soon start to make fun of us ranting about “the good ol days”
I was totally addicted to wow and it definitely hurt my social development, but damn if those aren’t great memories
I’m no fan of this guy, to put it mildly, but he was talking about Hamas. I don’t doubt this was a dog whistle, but it shows they (Israel military) know the world is looking, so they are still avoiding full on genocide talk.
The link you just gave about the One Million Plan puts it during the holocaust, 1944. Mistake?
You underestimate how much medical professionals cherish their license. And immediate danger is well defined. Maybe these people should accept that they might need to be restrained in case there is a risk of them raping a child.
They have their little secret forums and brigade a lot, don’t trust the up/down votes
Medical secrecy is a thing
The Biden admin tried to nominate an amazing woman, Gigi Sohn, worked for the EFF. But try to guess who opposed her?
We aren’t discussing if “it’s ok”, we are discussing the Rules of Conflict. War is never ok, but war without rules is even worse