Out of interest - which tool(s) did you use to generate this outline?
Out of interest - which tool(s) did you use to generate this outline?
Terms like ‘steak’, ‘grill’
I get the reasoning behind wanting a clear distinction between animal products and alternative products, but ‘grill’? In my understanding, a grill is the appliance you cook (or, in this case, grill) your food with. You can grill vegetables. So why would they ban ‘grill’?
Maybe I should clarify:
I don’t mean the existing gesture which zooms by a fixed amount when you double tap. I mean double tap and hold, where you can pull down or up to adjust the zoom.
Do you perform the gesture by swiping in from the left border of your screen?
You can go back from a post by swiping the whole post right, maybe both trigger at the same time.
Sorry, I must’ve missed that somehow, then my comment only applies to llama and its direct derivates.
Note that when using llama-derived models, such as vicuna, you are bound by their license to only use them for “research” purposes.
If you want an unrestricted version, go for open-llama or RedPajama.
Falcon is less restrictive and only wants a cut of profits if they exceed 1 million dollars, but I’d wager that fully unrestricted is the way to go.
As you already have dynamic DNS set up, it should be as trivial as forwarding the ssh port (22).
I don’t know what the default configuration of Raspbian is, but I would highly recommend generating an ssh key and disabling password login, if you’re exposing your box to the internet.
I agree, this would be nice to have. Imo it would also be helpful to be able to copy a link URL.
Coming from Relay, my intuitive way of interaction would be to long press a link, which would open a small dialog showing the url and giving the option to copy the link and ideally also to open it in an external browser.
Unciv is a decent Civilization clone. And it’s open source.
While this is concerning, I wonder what the author(s) of this were thinking would happen. I assume it’s supposed to be an attempt at stealing the server’s passwords, since I at least know of no browser that freely allows access to local files.
Depending on what you mean by “AI”, this bot doesn’t fit the criteria. It works by extracting and ranking sentences and does not apply a LLM.