In Yakuza series, a character’s tatoo is often all over on thier back and represents the person’s personality, idealogy, or role in the story. The tatoo often has a Japanese or Chinese folk lore reference to it
In Yakuza series, a character’s tatoo is often all over on thier back and represents the person’s personality, idealogy, or role in the story. The tatoo often has a Japanese or Chinese folk lore reference to it
If you are android, there is an app called Shelter that lets you create customized contained work profile inside which apps can be killed completely until you enable work profile again. This would usually be enabled by certain official app by your employer’s IT policy, such as MS’s Company Policy, so you don’t normally have control over what app to put in the profile, but with Shelter you can pick and choose any app into the work profile freely. If you have other apps you don’t trust, you can also use it to contain them too
Behold #000000 #000000
“Hey you want some potato chips?”
Messed me up all the time first time came to the US. Why use positive response for rejection?