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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2023


  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    20 days ago

    democratically elected? arguable and only for the last few decades at that. it was run as a brutal single party dictatorship backed by amerikkka until fairly recently. And last time i checked the vast majority of people in Taiwan want to maintain the status quo which is that Taiwan is part of China.

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    20 days ago

    bubbles have nothing to do with technology, the tech is just a tool to build the hype. The bubble will burst regardless of the success of the tech at most success will slightly delay the burst, because what is bursting isnt the tech its the financial structures around it.

  • depends on the game, achievement hunting can be a lot of fun in a game u already love its just more stuff to do and more reasons to play, sure if all the achievements in a game are things like getting all of a collectible or beating certain story missions/quests they are pretty boring but in pdx map simulators for example many of the are interesting run ideas or they indicate where the hand crafted content is at. And despite how much i love the game i dont think i would have played as much of Tyranny as i did if i hadnt decide to get all the achievements.

  • fuck if i know, i grew up in a capitalist world and live in it i can no more imagine how a communist society would work than a slave in ancient rome could imagine our wold. All i know is that its a good ideal and that it is good to move in that direction, maybe we cant have “from each according to their abilities and to each according to their needs” right now but we can atleast have “from each according to their abilities and to each according to their labor” and a basic floor to ensure no one lives in inhuman conditions and then maybe in a few generation people have some ideas on how to achieve the ideal or atleast get closer or maybe they discover an even better ideal idk i cant know, what I know is that capitalism is fucking garbage.

  • the only idiot here is… both of us cuz this is pointless and meaningless. but u are double the idiot, they are the same in the context i used them did u forget ur own comment that i was responding to do u not know what context is, is ur mind so small u can only keep in memory the last 3 comment in a thread and not 1 more.

    either way ill move myself towards less idiocy so this is the last reply u are getting end of conversation.

  • fine ill humor ur bad faith argument.

    when left leaning libs defend their ideals from right leaning libs by saying “it wasnt real communism” like in this case. they mean that the thing being talked about did not adhere to communist ideals.

    when u say that “it wasnt real communism” u mean that there is a distinction between communism and socialism or lower stage communism as marx called it.

    the gdr was a socialist country led by communist with the goal of establishing communism when they original lib said it wasnt real communism what he mean was that “the gdr was not a socialist country and it wasnt led by communist”, then when i said it was real communism i meant to re state the fact that the gdr was a socialist country led by communist. so it is self evident that ur argument is irrelevant no one was actually talking about where the gdr was a stateless, money less, classless society, we were talking about whether the leadership of the gdr truly adhered to communist principles.

    as to why ur argument looks to be in bad faith u would have to live under a fucking rock not understand this context or far more likely u are arguing in bad faith.