Jethro Tull’s Thick as a Brick at 44 minutes, or their A Passion Play at 45 (each was an entire vinyl album on both sides for a single song, though some CD/mp3 re-releases later split them into multiple chunks for easier navigation).
Jethro Tull’s Thick as a Brick at 44 minutes, or their A Passion Play at 45 (each was an entire vinyl album on both sides for a single song, though some CD/mp3 re-releases later split them into multiple chunks for easier navigation).
I’ve actually seen Heywood Banks (the guy who actually did Toast) live. Have signed mercy somewhere. Good times.
Much easier, in fact; Eliza could pass the Turing test in 1966. Humans are incredibly eager to assess other things as being human or human-like.
I’m not sure if you’re aware or not, but at the moment that photo was taken, he was in the middle of trying to interview then-president Trump.
I don’t remember what specific thing Trump said to elicit that reaction, and I’m not really in the mood to re-watch the interview to remind myself. Suffice it to say, Trump said a lot of just absolute nonsense.
But that’s exactly what they just said isn’t UBI, with UBI you’d get to keep the money while working if you wanted to. “Universal” means everyone gets it, not just people who “claim to be uncomfortable working”.