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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Yes.

    There is a VERY specific reason why Germany is doing this, whilst staying out of other issues. If I have to point out that reason then I think that maybe you should pick up a history book.

    Also they aren’t saying that Germany is recognizing Jewish lives and Jewish communities, it says the state of Israel, you know, that appareheids state currently working hard to commit genocide.

    Anyone bringing but this issue with either Israel or Palestine being good and the other side being evil is just downright lying for whatever reason. Germany pushing this for Israel really REALLY begs the question: okay, cool, Israel has a right to exist. What about Palestine, and Palestinians in general? Should we just off all of them? Eradicate all of them, men, women and children alike, no matter what country?

  • You’re right but…

    It’s the same with open source products. Companies just take it, make billions off it, give nothing back, will try the embrace, enhance , extinguish tactics, will hide any GPL licensing because of course they would…

    It’ll happen anyway, and you can’t stop it. Like you said, girls dress to rape is bullshit. But if a girl goes in a skimpy bikini in a Bombay bus at 9pm, then you’re kind of asking for something. Open source is open for everyone, that is kind of the point, it’s the reason why it became so big in the first place, but it WILL be abused because there are always abusers out there

  • So you deny that the massacre happend, and you deny that the Uyghur genocide is happening. Both are quite extensively documented by now and denying them is historical revisioning. Denying that there is any evidence whatsoever is not much different from the “intelligent design” movement denying evolution because of lack of evidence. If you keep your fingers in your ears, screaming “LALALLA I CANNOT HEAR YOU”, then yeah, it’s hard to see any evidence.

    The “some innocent people were swept up” shows painfully well how much you brush off the work and reeducation camps as an innocent side effect.

    Left or right extremist, it doesn’t matter. You’re all a sad bunch funded by governments who want to destabilize the rest of the world. Tell Winnie Pooh I said Hi.